Reputation: 729
I fit a linear model using two categorical variables and one numerical variable as follows:
iris2 <- iris %>%
mutate(petal_type= if_else(Petal.Length > 4, "petal_long", "petal_short"),
sepal_type = if_else(Sepal.Length > 6, "flower_long", "flower_short")
lm(Sepal.Width ~ sepal_type*petal_type + petal_type*Petal.Width, data = iris2)
# Coefficients:
# (Intercept) sepal_typeflower_short petal_typepetal_short
# 2.48793 -0.08721 1.51070
# Petal.Width sepal_typeflower_short:petal_typepetal_short petal_typepetal_short:Petal.Width
# 0.27131 -0.28965 -1.19334
I want to separate out the two categorical variables to get an estimate of the intercept and slope for each dummy variable. I would like to create a table like this that would describe the relationship between sepal.width and petal.width:
sepal_type petal_type Intercept_estimate Slope_estimate
flower_short petal_short
flower_short petal_long
flower_long petal_short
flower_long petal_long
I can do this by hand using different contrasts, but is there an easy way? Thanks!
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Views: 70
Reputation: 79338
iris2 %>%
group_by(petal_type, sepal_type) %>%
summarise(model = list(coef(lm(Sepal.Width~Petal.Width))),
.groups = 'drop')%>%
petal_type sepal_type `(Intercept)` Petal.Width
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 petal_long flower_long 2.33 0.355
2 petal_long flower_short 2.86 -0.0186
3 petal_short flower_long 2.8 NA
4 petal_short flower_short 3.62 -0.922
Upvotes: 1