Reputation: 99

Seaborn Line Plot : Add Line and Text in the Graph

I want to add a dot line and text to my graph.

This is my original sns.plot code.

# set figure size
plt.figure( figsize = ( 12, 5))

sns.lineplot( x = 'date',
            y = 'weekpay',
            data = epi_raw_occ_2018_private,
            label = 'Private Workers Wage')


I need a picture like this.enter image description here

Thanks in advance

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Views: 3528

Answers (1)

Celius Stingher
Celius Stingher

Reputation: 18367

If it's fixed in specific value in ths x-axis. Then this should do:


As for the text you could add:

plt.text('2020-03-01',1100,"this is the text that will be added")

You should fix the first array to match the desired x-axis and then on the y-axis no argument so it goes aling the full chart. An alternative is using weekpay's min() and max() values for the y-axis in order to make the line cover the most of it. Finally linestyle='.' is what makes it a dotted line.

Upvotes: 1

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