Reputation: 114
i have a python class named Manager and it's been registered like this :
backend = Manager()
engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("backend", backend)
also in this class (Manager) i have a property named paramDs :
from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, Signal, Property, Slot
class Manager(QObject):
processResult = Signal(bool)
def __init__(self):
self.ds = "loading .."
def start_processing(self):
def read_ds(self):
return self.ds
def set_ds(self, val):
self.ds = val
paramDs = Property(str, read_ds, set_ds)
also in my qml i have a Table View :
import QtQuick 2.14
import Qt.labs.qmlmodels 1.0
TableView {
anchors.fill: parent
columnSpacing: 1
rowSpacing: 1
clip: true
model: TableModel {
TableModelColumn { display: "param_name" }
TableModelColumn { display: "value" }
rows: [
"param_name": "Param",
"value": "Value"
"param_name": "number of classes",
"value": backend.paramDs
delegate: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: displayer.width + 50 <100 ? 100 :displayer.width+50
implicitHeight: 50
color : "#aa009688"
Text {
text: display
color : "white"
anchors.centerIn: parent
now some where in qml i call start_processing()
slot .
now paramDs should change in table view from "loading .." to "500" but it remained old "loading .." value.
why property does not update it self in qml?
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Views: 229
Reputation: 244301
If you are creating a binding then the property must be notifiable, that is, have an associated signal and emit it when it changes:
class Manager(QObject):
processResult = Signal(bool)
df_changed = Signal()
def __init__(self):
self.ds = "loading .."
def start_processing(self):
def read_ds(self):
return self.ds
def set_ds(self, val):
self.ds = val
paramDs = Property(str, read_ds, set_ds, notify=df_changed)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 108
you should set Row value after setting property, like this:
param_name: "number of classes",
value: backend.paramDs
tbModel is id of your Table View's Model
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