Alihan Urumov
Alihan Urumov

Reputation: 71

connect embedding layer with dimension (3,50) to lstm

how to connect embedding layer with dimension (3,50) to lstm?

array (3, 50) is fed to input "layer_i_emb" where three time steps with arrays of length 50 are stored in which product identifiers are stored

I tried to connect it before reshape and it didn't work either. embedding adds dimension and lstm does not take extra dimension. it's scary that you have to translate tensors into tf and manually work with tensors.

layer_i_inp = Input(shape = (3,50), name = 'item')
layer_i_emb = Embedding(output_dim = EMBEDDING_DIM*2,
                        input_dim = us_it_count[0]+1,
                        input_length = (3,50),
                        name = 'item_embedding')(layer_i_inp) 

layer_i_emb = Reshape([3,50, EMBEDDING_DIM*2])(layer_i_emb)

layer_i_emb = LSTM(MAX_FEATURES, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4, return_sequences = True)(layer_i_emb)
layer_i_emb = LSTM(MAX_FEATURES, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4, return_sequences = True)(layer_i_emb)
layer_i_emb = LSTM(MAX_FEATURES, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4)(layer_i_emb)

layer_i_emb = Flatten()(layer_i_emb)

Upvotes: 1

Views: 921

Answers (1)


Reputation: 26718

The problem is that the Embedding layer is outputting a 3D tensor, but a LSTM layer needs a 2D input (excluding the batch dimension). Here are a couple options you can try:

Option 1

import tensorflow as tf

samples = 100
orders = 3
product_ids_per_order = 50
max_product_id = 120

data = tf.random.uniform((samples, orders, product_ids_per_order), maxval=max_product_id, dtype=tf.int32)
Y = tf.random.uniform((samples,), maxval=2, dtype=tf.int32)


item_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (orders, product_ids_per_order), name = 'item')
embedding_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(
                        max_product_id + 1,
                        output_dim = EMBEDDING_DIM,
                        input_length = product_ids_per_order,
                        name = 'item_embedding')

# Map each time step with 50 product ids to an embedding vector of size 5
outputs = []
for i in range(orders):
  tensor = embedding_layer(item_input[:, i, :])
  layer_i_emb = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4, return_sequences = True)(tensor)
  layer_i_emb = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4, return_sequences = True)(layer_i_emb)
  layer_i_emb = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4)(layer_i_emb)
output = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)(outputs)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(layer_i_emb)
model = tf.keras.Model(item_input, output)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy()), Y)
4/4 [==============================] - 15s 1s/step - loss: 0.6926

Option 2

import tensorflow as tf

samples = 100
orders = 3
product_ids_per_order = 50
max_product_id = 120


item_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (orders, product_ids_per_order), name = 'item')
embedding_layer = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(
                        max_product_id + 1,
                        output_dim = EMBEDDING_DIM,
                        input_length = product_ids_per_order,
                        name = 'item_embedding')

# Map each time step with 50 product ids to an embedding vector of size 5
inputs = []
for i in range(orders):
  tensor = embedding_layer(item_input[:, i, :])
  tensor = tf.keras.layers.Reshape([product_ids_per_order*EMBEDDING_DIM])(tensor)
  tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis=1)

embedding_inputs = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1)(inputs)
layer_i_emb = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4, return_sequences = True)(embedding_inputs)
layer_i_emb = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4, return_sequences = True)(layer_i_emb)
layer_i_emb = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(32, dropout = 0.4, recurrent_dropout = 0.4)(layer_i_emb)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(layer_i_emb)
model = tf.keras.Model(item_input, output)
Model: "model_11"
 Layer (type)                   Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
 item (InputLayer)              [(None, 3, 50)]      0           []                               
 tf.__operators__.getitem_41 (S  (None, 50)          0           ['item[0][0]']                   
 tf.__operators__.getitem_42 (S  (None, 50)          0           ['item[0][0]']                   
 tf.__operators__.getitem_43 (S  (None, 50)          0           ['item[0][0]']                   
 item_embedding (Embedding)     (None, 50, 5)        605         ['tf.__operators__.getitem_41[0][
 reshape_10 (Reshape)           (None, 250)          0           ['item_embedding[0][0]']         
 reshape_11 (Reshape)           (None, 250)          0           ['item_embedding[1][0]']         
 reshape_12 (Reshape)           (None, 250)          0           ['item_embedding[2][0]']         
 tf.expand_dims_9 (TFOpLambda)  (None, 1, 250)       0           ['reshape_10[0][0]']             
 tf.expand_dims_10 (TFOpLambda)  (None, 1, 250)      0           ['reshape_11[0][0]']             
 tf.expand_dims_11 (TFOpLambda)  (None, 1, 250)      0           ['reshape_12[0][0]']             
 concatenate_13 (Concatenate)   (None, 3, 250)       0           ['tf.expand_dims_9[0][0]',       
 lstm_34 (LSTM)                 (None, 3, 32)        36224       ['concatenate_13[0][0]']         
 lstm_35 (LSTM)                 (None, 3, 32)        8320        ['lstm_34[0][0]']                
 lstm_36 (LSTM)                 (None, 32)           8320        ['lstm_35[0][0]']                
 dense_11 (Dense)               (None, 1)            33          ['lstm_36[0][0]']                
Total params: 53,502
Trainable params: 53,502
Non-trainable params: 0

Upvotes: 3

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