Reputation: 25563
I am following this tutorial.
I am now able to create the workflow in Visual Studio Code, and also see that in the designer.
But further to this, I am not able to see the url as mentioned here after clicking the overview.
I get this message
Workflow run history could not be loaded. Error: 'Could not establish connection to the host. Run your function project to view the run history. Failed to fetch.'
What am I missing?
I ensured Azurite is running.
NGrok is also configured.
And my local.settings.json file looks as follows.
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"WORKFLOWS_TENANT_ID": "d5y4kk56-f47h-df6h-2g7k-sd4fk8f5j5zd",
"WORKFLOWS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID": "876af6yz-6xxx-1234-2nh7-xxx234gygrkls",
"WORKFLOWS_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME": "vivek-logic-app-trial-rg",
"WORKFLOWS_LOCATION_NAME": "centralindia",
"Workflows.WebhookRedirectHostUri": ""
Not only that, when I press F5, I get the following error, not clear to me what it says.
Error message: correlationId='683df22d-5928-4149-97cc-2ee3116aa6d0', operationName='SubscriptionExtensions.ToCachedSubscription', message='Resource provider namespace is empty for subscription 'myedgeenvironment', properties '{"tenantId":"myedgeenvironment-tenantId","registeredFeatures":[]}'.', exception='<null>', organizationId='', activityVector='IN.02', additionalProperties='', extensionVersion='', siteName='UNDEFINED_SITE_NAME', slotName='', activityId='683df22d-5928-4149-97cc-2ee3116aa6d0'.
Raised on github Azure-Functions as well.
Udate 2
I now get this
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Views: 5671
Reputation: 4943
Thank you for the update @VivekDev , I Finally figured out the problem and was able to debug the logic app in VS CODE after a long time. Here are the steps that i followed:
2.Added global.json
file according to my sdk version in my root folder
Here is localsettings.json file sample code you can try with the following code according to your credential.
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
port 7071
by running cmd ngrok http 7071
.Then run the logic app and meanwhile go to workflow.json overview tab and then you will get url ,(may be you will get the same error at that time in your terminal) Copy and browse that same url in your browser then check in vs code that logic app run successfully here are the below screenshots for reference .
Finally here is my successfully running logic app :
Created workflow :
Successfully running workflow
Upvotes: 4