Reputation: 310
So I have a pipeline with a task, where I check for the date through Powershell.
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
$iso8601_time = Get-Date -Format "o"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=pitr_time;]$iso8601_time"
displayName: "Get point-in-time record before launching migration"
I am trying to use this date later in my terraform task to create a database based on the DateTime from my PowerShell task.
If I got it correctly with the use of
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=pitr_time;]$iso8601_time"
I create an environment variable with the name pitr_time that could be passed on to other tasks within the same pipeline.
Thus, I now have a second task where I use this environment variable.
- stage: DeployInfraPOC
dependsOn: BuildInfraPOC
env: poc
# TODO: check if variable get transfered to tf.
TF_VAR_PITR: $(pitr_time)
- template: templates/deploy-infra.yml
env: poc
armServiceConnection: "Service connection devops"
projectRoot: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
planArtifactName: "pitr-database-migration-poc-$(Build.BuildId).tfplan
Now, when I checked the terraform documentation, I saw that I had to define it using the prefix "TF_VAR_" to use the variable I want to pass.
But now my question is: how can I use this variable in Terraform?
I thought I could just add it inside my file as
variable "TF_VAR_PITR" {
description = "Env var - Point-in-time restore."
type = string
But it doesn't seem to work when I want to call my variable inside my like this
resource "azurerm_mssql_database" "mssqldb" {
name = "db-bkup-temp-pitr"
server_id =
create_mode = "PointInTimeRestore"
creation_source_database_id = "/subscriptions/##############"
restore_point_in_time = var.TF_VAR_PITR
What am I doing wrong? Are there better alternatives?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5302
Reputation: 238995
If your env variable is TF_VAR_PITR
, then the TF variable is called PITR
variable "PITR" {
description = "Env var - Point-in-time restore."
type = string
Upvotes: 3