
Reputation: 631

SwiftUI how to animate each character in textfield?

As a user types characters in a textfield, I would like to display some animation on each newly typed character (kinda like how Cash App animates numbers but I'd like to implement it for alphabetical characters as well).

enter image description here

Is it possible to do this in SwiftUI? My intuition is that I might have to bridge to UIKit for more nuanced access to a textfield's element but not sure how to actually implement that.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1575

Answers (1)

lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum

Reputation: 29309

You can just create a "Fake" TextField that appears over the real one. Then show the characters in a ForEach.

It is done with FocusState in iOS 15

@available(iOS 15.0, *)
struct AnimatedInputView: View {
    @FocusState private var isFocused: Int?
    @State var text: String = ""
    //If all the fonts match the cursor is better aligned 
    @State var font: Font = .system(size: 48, weight: .bold, design: .default)
    @State var color: Color = .gray
    var body: some View {
        HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 0){
            //To maintain size in between the 2 views
                    //This textField will be invisible
                    TextField("", text: $text)
                        .focused($isFocused, equals: 1)
                        HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 0, content: {
                            //You need an array of unique/identifiable characters
                            let uniqueArray = text.uniqueCharacters()
                            ForEach(uniqueArray, id: \.id, content: { char in
                                CharView(char: char.char, isLast: char == uniqueArray.last, font: font)
                .onAppear(perform: {
                    //Bring focus to the hidden TextField
                    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5, execute: {
                        isFocused = 1
        //Bring focus to the hidden textfield
        .onTapGesture {
            isFocused = 1
struct CharView: View{
    var char: Character
    var isLast: Bool
    var font: Font
    @State var scale: CGFloat = 0.75
    var body: some View{
            .onAppear(perform: {
                //Animate only if last character
                if isLast{
                    withAnimation(.linear(duration: 0.5)){
                        scale = 1
                    scale = 1
@available(iOS 15.0, *)
struct AnimatedInputView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
//Convert String to Unique characers
extension String{
    func uniqueCharacters() -> [UniqueCharacter]{
        let array: [Character] = Array(self)
        return array.uniqueCharacters()
    func numberOnly() -> String {
        self.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "-0123456789.").inverted)
extension Array where Element == Character {
    func uniqueCharacters() -> [UniqueCharacter]{
        var array: [UniqueCharacter] = []
        for char in self{
            array.append(UniqueCharacter(char: char))
        return array

//String/Characters can be repeating so yu have to make them a unique value
struct UniqueCharacter: Identifiable, Equatable{
    var char: Character
    var id: UUID = UUID()

Here is a sample version that. only takes numbers like the calculator sample

import SwiftUI

@available(iOS 15.0, *)
struct AnimatedInputView: View {
    @FocusState private var isFocused: Int?
    @State var text: String = ""
    //If all the fonts match the cursor is better aligned 
    @State var font: Font = .system(size: 48, weight: .bold, design: .default)
    @State var color: Color = .gray
    var body: some View {
        HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 0){
            //To maintain size in between the 2 views
                    //This textField will be invisible
                    TextField("", text: $text)
                        .focused($isFocused, equals: 1)
                        .onChange(of: text, perform: { value in
                               if Double(text) == nil{
                                   //Leaves the negative and decimal period
                                   text = text.numberOnly()
                               //This condition can be improved.
                               //Checks for 2 occurences of the decimal period
                               //Possible solution
                               while text.components(separatedBy: ".").count > 2{
                                   color = .red

                               //This condition can be improved.
                               //Checks for 2 occurences of the negative
                               //Possible solution
                               while text.components(separatedBy: "-").count > 2{
                                   color = .red
                               color = .gray

                        HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 0, content: {
                            //You need an array of unique/identifiable characters
                            let uniqueArray = text.uniqueCharacters()
                            ForEach(uniqueArray, id: \.id, content: { char in
                                CharView(char: char.char, isLast: char == uniqueArray.last, font: font)
                .onAppear(perform: {
                    //Bring focus to the hidden TextField
                    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5, execute: {
                        isFocused = 1
        //Bring focus to the hidden textfield
        .onTapGesture {
            isFocused = 1

Upvotes: 3

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