Hey as a part of project I would like to test my classes like the one below but I have a little problem. Impossible for me to test, I always encounter the same errors "type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<OAuthToken?>'" or "Null check operator used on a null value". For example :
class Authentication {
final FlutterSecureStorage _secureStorage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
static const String BEARER_TOKEN = 'BEARER_TOKEN';
Future<OAuthToken> setToken(OAuthTokenResponse token) async {
assert(token.accessToken != null, 'A non null token is required');
final String jsonToken = json.encode(token.toJson());
await _secureStorage.write(key: BEARER_TOKEN, value: jsonToken);
return token;
Future< OAuthToken?> getToken() async {
final String? jsonToken = await BEARER_TOKEN);
if (jsonToken == null) {
return null;
return OAuthToken(json.decode(jsonToken));
Future<void> deleteToken() async {
await _secureStorage.delete(key: BEARER_TOKEN);
My Unit testing :
void main() {
final Authentication dataSource = Authentication();
final MockFlutterSecureStorage mockSecureStorage = MockFlutterSecureStorage();
final token = OAuthToken.fromJson(json.decode(fixture('oauth_token_response.json')));
group('getToken', () {
test('should return OAuthToken from FlutterSecureStorage when there is one the saved', () async {
// arrange
when(() => BEARER_TOKEN)).thenAnswer((_) async => fixture('oauth_token_response.json'));
// act
final result = await dataSource.getToken();
verify(() => BEARER_TOKEN));
expect(result, equals(token));
test('should return null when is not saved token', () async {
// arrange
when(() => BEARER_TOKEN)).thenAnswer((_) async => null);
// act
final result = await dataSource.getToken();
expect(result, equals(null));
group('saveToken', () {
test('should call FlutterSecureStorage to save token', () async {
// arrange
when(() => mockSecureStorage.write(key: BEARER_TOKEN, value: json.encode(token))).thenAnswer((invocation) => Future<void>.value());
await dataSource.setToken(token);
// assert
final expectedJsonString = json.encode(token.toJson());
verify(() => mockSecureStorage.write(key: BEARER_TOKEN, value: expectedJsonString));
I tried Cocktail and Mockito and I have the same error... A problem with mock maybe ?
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Add the option to pass the secure storage object to Authentication()
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