Reputation: 131
I want to run a working sql raw query in orm way. Where I need to pick columns and count of columns from tables joined not any columns from main. How do I implement this in ORM way.
My Raw query (I usually uses in sql server):
SELECT [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionName]
FROM [barcode].[dbo].[tbl_ProductionScan]
INNER JOIN [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_barcode] ON [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_barcode].[Serial_no] = [barcode].[dbo].[tbl_ProductionScan].[serial_no]
INNER JOIN [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_ProductionMaster] ON [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionCode] = [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_barcode].[Product_code]
WHERE [barcode].[dbo].[tbl_ProductionScan].[prod_date] BETWEEN '2021-08-01 08:00:00' AND '2021-08-25 08:00:00' AND [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionName] Like '%3780%black%'
GROUP BY [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionName], [barcode].[dbo].[Tbl_barcode].[Size]
What I managed to do in SQL Alchemy :
result = (
session.query(ProductionMaster.article, Barcode.size, sa.func.count(Barcode.size))
.join(Barcode, Barcode.serial_no == ProductionScan.serial_no)
.join(ProductionMaster, ProductionMaster.prod_code == Barcode.prod_code)
sa.and_( >= "2021-08-01 08:00:00", <= "2021-08-25 08:00:00","%3780%black%"),
.group_by(ProductionMaster.article, Barcode.size)
This run to an error as the raw query returned is not correct.
The multi-part identifier "tbl_ProductionScan.serial_no" could not be bound. (4104) (SQLExecDirectW)')
Raw sql returned from sqlalchemy error:
[SQL: SELECT [Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionName] AS [Tbl_ProductionMaster_ProductionName], [Tbl_barcode].[Size] AS [Tbl_barcode_Size], count([Tbl_barcode].[Size]) AS count_1
FROM [tbl_ProductionScan], [Tbl_ProductionMaster] JOIN [Tbl_barcode] ON [Tbl_barcode].serial_no = [tbl_ProductionScan].serial_no JOIN [Tbl_ProductionMaster] ON [Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionCode] = [Tbl_barcode].[Product_Code]
WHERE [tbl_ProductionScan].prod_date >= ? AND [tbl_ProductionScan].prod_date <= ? AND [Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionName] LIKE ? GROUP BY [Tbl_ProductionMaster].[ProductionName], [Tbl_barcode].[Size]]
In this sqlalchemy query, How do I get ride of Tbl_ProductionScan
in the FROM
keyword. I only need Tbl_ProductionScan
in there, all the rest tables Tbl_ProductionMaster
, Tbl_Barcode
in the JOIN
keyword only. That way sqlalchemy orm matches my actuall raw query given at the top.
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Views: 1114
Reputation: 546
I am aware of the filtering, make sure you convert your string to date and are you try to filter on two string values (use or) or one
start_date = datetime.strptime("2021-08-01 08:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end_date = datetime.strptime("2021-08-25 08:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
search = "%{}%{}%".format("3780", "black")
and then try to run this
result = session.query(ProductionScan, ProductionMaster, Barcode, )
.join(Barcode, Barcode.serial_no == ProductionScan.serial_no)
.join(ProductionMaster, ProductionMaster.prod_code == Barcode.prod_code)
sa.and_( >= start_date, <= end_date,,
# sa.or_(,
.with_entities(ProductionMaster.article.label('article'), Barcode.size.label('size'), sa.func.count(Barcode.size).label('count'))
.group_by(ProductionMaster.article, Barcode.size)
Return a new Query replacing the SELECT list with the given entities.
Upvotes: 2