Reputation: 6369
I have a Class Library and a test integration sample application which uses Serilog. How do I add a logger into the Class Library? I prefer Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
, but I cannot find a way to do that without a dependency injection.
using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using Ardalis.GuardClauses;
using Binance.WebSocket.Client.Extensions;
using Binance.WebSocket.Client.Subscriptions;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Events;
using Serilog.Sinks.SystemConsole.Themes;
namespace Binance.WebSocket.Client.Sample;
public class Program
private static readonly ManualResetEvent ExitEvent = new(false);
private static async Task Main()
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Console(LogEventLevel.Debug, theme: SystemConsoleTheme.Colored)
.WriteTo.File(Path.Combine("logs", "verbose.log"), rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day)
var disposable = new CompositeDisposable();
var uri = new Uri("wss://");
using var communicator = new BinanceWebSocketCommunicator(uri);
communicator.Name = "Binance-Spot";
communicator.ReconnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
.Subscribe(info => Log.Information($"Reconnection happened, type: {info.Type}"))
.Subscribe(info => Log.Information($"Disconnection happened, type: {info.Type}"))
using var client = new BinanceWebSocketClient(communicator);
.Subscribe(x => Log.Information($"Pong received ({x.Message})"))
.Subscribe(response =>
Guard.Against.Null(response, nameof(response));
Guard.Against.Null(response.Data, nameof(response.Data),
"Something went wrong and the aggregated trade object is null");
var trade = response.Data;
Log.Information($"Aggregated trade [{trade.Symbol}] [{trade.Side}] " +
$"Price: {trade.Price} Size: {trade.Quantity}");
.Subscribe(response =>
Guard.Against.Null(response, nameof(response));
Guard.Against.Null(response.Data, nameof(response.Data),
"Something went wrong and the kline object is null");
Guard.Against.Null(response.Data.Data, nameof(response.Data.Data),
"Something went wrong and the kline data object is null");
var kline = response.Data;
var klineData = response.Data.Data;
Log.Information($"Kline [{kline.Symbol}] " +
$"Kline start time: {klineData.StartTime} " +
$"Kline close time: {klineData.CloseTime} " +
$"Interval: {klineData.Interval} " +
$"First trade ID: {klineData.FirstTradeId} " +
$"Last trade ID: {klineData.LastTradeId} " +
$"Open price: {klineData.OpenPrice} " +
$"Close price: {klineData.ClosePrice} " +
$"High price: {klineData.HighPrice} " +
$"Low price: {klineData.LowPrice} " +
$"Base asset volume: {klineData.BaseAssetVolume} " +
$"Number of trades: {klineData.NumberTrades} " +
$"Is this kline closed?: {klineData.IsClosed} " +
$"Quote asset volume: {klineData.QuoteAssetVolume} " +
$"Taker buy base: {klineData.TakerBuyBaseAssetVolume} " +
$"Taker buy quote: {klineData.TakerBuyQuoteAssetVolume} " +
$"Ignore: {klineData.Ignore} ");
new AggregateTradeSubscription("bnbusdt"),
new KlineSubscription("btcusdt", "1h"));
await communicator.Start().ConfigureAwait(false);
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2047
Reputation: 522
You can use the LoggerFactory like the following
using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
.AddFilter("Microsoft", LogLevel.Warning)
.AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Warning)
.AddFilter("LoggingConsoleApp.Program", LogLevel.Debug)
ILogger logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();
logger.LogInformation("Example log message");
Upvotes: 6