Reputation: 378
I am trying to run a bash script which should load data into jena. This script comes from a github repository and was allegedly working on the owner's machine but on mine it won't run, even though I followed the instructions. So let me first describe what the script does based on my understanding: It should load .nt data (RDF data) into Jena using docker by using the docker image of jena, named stain/jena. Here is the script:
files=$(echo $(pwd)/rawdata-bearb/hour/alldata.IC.nt/*.nt | sed "s%$(pwd)/rawdata-bearb/hour/alldata.IC.nt%/var/data/in%g")
mkdir output # added
for file in $files; do
v=$(echo $file | sed "s/^.*\/\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.nt$/\1-1/" | bc)
echo "$v"
mkdir -p /var/data/out/ic/$v
time docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-v $(pwd)/tdb-bearb-hour/:/var/data/out/ \
-v $(pwd)/rawdata-bearb/hour/alldata.IC.nt/:/var/data/in/ \
stain/jena /jena/bin/tdbloader2 \
--sort-args "-S=16G" \
--loc /var/data/out/ic/$v $file \
> output/load-bearb-hour-ic-$v-.txt
However, when I execute the script, I get following message from the saved log file:
13:12:46 INFO -- TDB Bulk Loader Start
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/data/out/ic/0’: No such file or directory
13:12:46 ERROR Failed during data phase
According to the tdbloader2 manual the --loc parameter should create the directory if it does not exist
-- loc: Sets the location in which the database should be created.
This location must be a directory and must be empty,
if a non-existent path is specified it will be created as a new directory.
I created the directories /var/data/out/ic/0 - /var/data/out/ic/10 manually and re-executed the script. Still, I got the same error message. My first guess was that tdbloader2 or docker use the mkdir command without the -p parameter but since I manually created the directories, thus, they existed before the execution and I still got the same error, it must be something else. I am kindly asking for your help
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1134