Reputation: 11
I’ve read some on declaring and using variables in PL/SQL. and I’ve only done so in other versions (TSQL) or code languages.
Below is what I’m trying to do, which is
I’ve tried other methods listed on the Internet but nothing I do seems to work when calling the variable in the final query.
The declaration and into
statements work but the last select query does not.
Degr_term varchar2(20);
select max(z.term)
INTO degr_term
from dwh.rpt_ersd_vw d
join dwh.dim_ers_term_vw z
on d.DIM_DEGR_ERS_TERM_SKEY = z.dim_ers_term_skey;
select * from ir_wip.stem_enr s where s.min_deg_term = degr_term;
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Views: 165
Reputation: 143103
Just like you selected INTO
from the 1st select
statement, you have to do it in the 2nd as well. It means that you'll have to declare a variable which will hold its contents.
Presuming - maybe not correctly - that 2nd select
returns only one row - you could
SQL> declare
2 degr_term varchar2(20);
3 l_stem stem_enr%rowtype; --> this
4 begin
5 select max(z.term)
6 into degr_term
7 from rpt_ersd_vw d
8 join dim_ers_term_vw z
9 on d.DIM_DEGR_ERS_TERM_SKEY = z.dim_ers_term_skey;
11 select *
12 into l_stem --> this
13 from stem_enr s
14 where s.min_deg_term = degr_term;
15 end;
16 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
(I removed schema names as I don't have them and didn't feel like creating ones.)
If the 2nd query returns more than a single row, then you'd e.g.
SQL> declare
2 degr_term varchar2(20);
3 type l_stem_typ is table of stem_enr%rowtype;
4 l_stem_tab l_stem_typ;
5 begin
6 select max(z.term)
7 into degr_term
8 from rpt_ersd_vw d
9 join dim_ers_term_vw z
10 on d.DIM_DEGR_ERS_TERM_SKEY = z.dim_ers_term_skey;
12 select *
13 bulk collect
14 into l_stem_tab
15 from stem_enr s
16 where s.min_deg_term = degr_term;
17 end;
18 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
[EDIT: How to output the result? Using a loop]
Presume that table looks like this (I don't know really, you never posted any sample data):
SQL> select * from stem_enr;
------------ ------ ----
1 Little Foot
1 Big Foot
Then you'd (simplified example; I didn't feel like creating other tables as well):
SQL> declare
2 type l_stem_typ is table of stem_enr%rowtype;
3 l_stem_tab l_stem_typ;
4 begin
5 select *
6 bulk collect
7 into l_stem_tab
8 from stem_enr s
9 where s.min_deg_term = 1;
11 for i in 1 .. l_stem_tab.count loop
12 dbms_output.put_line(l_stem_tab(i).name ||' '|| l_stem_tab(i).surname);
13 end loop;
14 end;
15 /
Little Foot
Big Foot
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Upvotes: 1