Reputation: 99
I have two tables, "Gate_Logs" and "Employee".
The "Gate_Logs" table has three columns.
The "Employee" Table has
I want to find out which employee had the highest weekly work time over the past year, and I am trying to get this data for each individual location. I want to look at the cumulative highest. Let's say Employee X at Location L worked 60 hours in a particular week, which was the highest at that location, so X will be the person I wanted to query.
Please provide any pointers on how I can proceed with this, have been stuck at it for a while.
SQL version 8.0.27
Upvotes: 0
Views: 242
Reputation: 5420
It can use window function LAG
to pair In/Out
and finally select those rank one
WITH periods AS (
`status` to_status,
`timestamp` to_timestamp,
LAG(`status`) OVER w AS fr_status,
LAG(`timestamp`) OVER w AS fr_timestamp
FROM gate_log
WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY `employee_id` ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC)
sumup_weekly AS (
WEEKOFYEAR(fr_timestamp) week,
SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, fr_timestamp, to_timestamp)) seconds
FROM periods
WHERE fr_status = 'In' AND to_status = 'Out'
GROUP BY `employee_id`, `week`
rank_weekly AS (
SEC_TO_TIME(w.`seconds`) work_hours,
RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY e.`location_id`, w.`week` ORDER BY w.`seconds` DESC) rank_hours
FROM sumup_weekly w
JOIN employee e ON w.`employee_id` = e.`employee_id`
FROM rank_weekly
WHERE rank_hours = 1
Upvotes: 1