Reputation: 60
I currently investigate the following problem: When I try to open the page the first time with link arguments like "" I will immediately directed to the initial route "/". When I do it in the same tab again it will work and redirect me to the given page "/invite/dd/dd".
Here the console log for the first try:
The following message was thrown:
Could not navigate to initial route.
The requested route name was: "/invite/dd/dd"
There was no corresponding route in the app, and therefore the initial route specified will be ignored and "/" will be used instead.
The console log the second try in the same tab:
[GETX] GOING TO ROUTE /dashboard
[GETX] GOING TO ROUTE /invite/dd/dd
[GETX] GOING TO ROUTE /invite/dd/dd
It all worked fine at the second try when the page is loaded one time before!
The Sourcecode from the GetMaterialAPP in main.dart:
return GetMaterialApp(
// initialBinding: AuthBinding(),
initialRoute: RootRoute,
opaqueRoute: true,
unknownRoute: GetPage(name: "/not-found", page: () => PageNotFound(), transition: Transition.noTransition),
defaultTransition: Transition.native,
// transitionDuration:,
getPages: [
GetPage(name: RootRoute, page: () => Root()),
GetPage(name: AuthenticationPageRoute, page: () => AuthenticationPage()),
GetPage(name: RegistrationPageRoute, page: () => RegistrationPage()),
GetPage(name: ForgotPasswordPageRoute, page: () => ForgotPasswordPage()),
GetPage(name: InvitePageRoute + "/:inviteId/:userId", page: () => InvitePage()),
// GetPage(name: TrackPageRoute + "/:orderId", page: () => TrackPage())
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: '',
theme: ThemeData(
hoverColor: Colors.transparent,
splashColor: Colors.transparent,
// highlightColor: Colors.transparent,
scaffoldBackgroundColor: light,
// scaffoldBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
textTheme: GoogleFonts.mulishTextTheme(
pageTransitionsTheme: PageTransitionsTheme(builders: {
TargetPlatform.iOS: FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder(), FadeUpwardsPageTransitionsBuilder()
Thanks in advance. Feel free to ask anything.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2966
Reputation: 3348
In my case I have wrapped my GetMaterialApp flutter_no_internet_widget like this :
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return InternetWidget(
offline: const FullScreenWidget(),
// ignore: avoid_print
whenOffline: () => print('No Internet'),
// ignore: avoid_print
whenOnline: () => print('Connected to internet'),
loadingWidget: const Center(child: Text('Loading')),
online: MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
as you can see InternetWidget builder is a async task which was creating issue with flutter web routing and hot reload, I removed this implementation and voila hot reload, hot restart, browser refresh, routing everything working fine.
Tip : If you are someone wrapping your MaterialApp with some third party plugin's builder/widget for any of these tasks like : routing middleware, internet connectivity listener, flavour, responsive framework, screenutil, authservice etc make sure that widget/builder functions is not a futurebuilder or async task otherwise it will mess up with your routing. Hope it helps, Happy Coding!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5030
Your code is absolutely OK and working without any issues. I tried but couldn't reproduce it.
However, you need to visit
instead of
will redirect to the initial route.
To remove the #
from the URL, please refer to this
Upvotes: 2