Reputation: 2263

Clean headers before pivot_longer

I have a dataset with 40 sensors with odd names (e.g. A_B_Loc_1). I need to convert these data to long format to plot them. I need to split the names so I know the sensor name (e.g. from A_B_Loc_1, name=AB) and the sensor location (e.g. from A_B_Loc_1, location=1).


df<-data.frame(time=c("2021-02-27 22:06:20","2021-02-27 23:06:20"),A_Loc_1=c(500,600),A_Loc_2=c(500,600),A_B_Loc_1=c(500,600),A_B_Loc_2=c(500,600),B_Loc_1=c(500,600),B_3=c(500,600))

It's about 50 million rows, so it's very slow:

EDIT: Ouch! Some names don't have "Loc" (e.g. B_3 is sensor B, location 3).

#Pivoting it:

df %>% 
   tidyfast::dt_pivot_longer( #tidyfast package uses data.table instead of tidyr, so much faster
     cols = -time,
     names_to = "name",
     values_to = "value"
  ) %>% drop_na()->df

#Split the names

df %>% 
           into = c("sensor", "location"), 
           sep = "(?=[0-9])"
           ) %>% 
  mutate(sensor=janitor::make_clean_names(sensor, case = "big_camel"))

Can this be sped up? A left join with a lookup table that adds columns based on sensor names?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 172

Answers (2)

Merijn van Tilborg
Merijn van Tilborg

Reputation: 5887


dt <- melt(df, id.vars = c("time"))
dt[, c("name", "location") := tstrsplit(str_replace_all(variable, "_", ""), "Loc")]

#                    time  variable value name location
#  1: 2021-02-27 22:06:20   A_Loc_1   500    A        1
#  2: 2021-02-27 23:06:20   A_Loc_1   600    A        1
#  3: 2021-02-27 22:06:20   A_Loc_2   500    A        2
#  4: 2021-02-27 23:06:20   A_Loc_2   600    A        2
#  5: 2021-02-27 22:06:20 A_B_Loc_1   500   AB        1
#  6: 2021-02-27 23:06:20 A_B_Loc_1   600   AB        1
#  7: 2021-02-27 22:06:20 A_B_Loc_2   500   AB        2
#  8: 2021-02-27 23:06:20 A_B_Loc_2   600   AB        2
#  9: 2021-02-27 22:06:20   B_Loc_1   500    B        1
# 10: 2021-02-27 23:06:20   B_Loc_1   600    B        1

Edit: OP mentions that Loc is not always present, so we split on the last underscore to get the number. Then we clean the name in the second step to remove the underscores and - if present - "Loc"

dt <- melt(df, id.vars = c("time"))
dt[, c("name", "location") := tstrsplit(variable, "_(?!.*_)", perl = T)]
dt[, name := str_replace_all(name, "_|Loc", "")]

Upvotes: 2

Andy Baxter
Andy Baxter

Reputation: 7626

We experimented with a few approaches to splitting columns by regular expressions. separate was very slow, but the fastest seems to be stringr::str_split(..., simplify=TRUE) to make new columns (for a tibble):


df <-
    time = c("2021-02-27 22:06:20", "2021-02-27 23:06:20"),
    A_Loc_1 = c(500, 600),
    A_Loc_2 = c(500, 600),
    A_B_Loc_1 = c(500, 600),
    A_B_Loc_2 = c(500, 600),
    B_Loc_1 = c(500, 600)

df1 <- df %>%
  # Suggestion from above about cleaning names first?
  clean_names(case = "big_camel") %>%
    cols = -Time,
    names_to = "name",
    values_to = "value") %>%
  drop_na() %>%

df1[c("sensor", "location")] <-
  str_split(df1$name, "Loc", simplify = TRUE)

This is presuming your biggest time guzzler is the separating columns part!


There are at least four ways of splitting, and depending on the complexity of the split it might be quicker to use other methods (such as data.table::tstrsplit), but some of these would require a consistent 'split' across all rows:


# a sample of 100,000 pivoted rows
n <- 1e5

df  <-  data.frame(condition = c(rep("ABLoc1", times = n),
                                 rep("ABLoc2", times = n),
                                 rep("ACLoc1", times = n),
                                 rep("ACLoc2", times = n),
                                 rep("AALoc4", times = n)))

(speeds <- bench::mark(
  separate = {
    df_sep <- df %>%
      separate(condition,sep = "Loc", into = c("part1", "part2"), remove = FALSE)
  dt = {
    df_dt <- data.table::data.table(df)
    df_dt <-
      df_dt[, c("part1" , "part2") := tstrsplit(condition, split = "Loc", fixed = TRUE)] 
  stringr = {
    df_str <- df
    df_str[c("part1", "part2")] <- str_split(df_str$condition, "Loc", simplify = TRUE)
  gsub = {
      df_vec <- df
      df_vec$part1 <- gsub("(^.*)Loc.*", "\\1",  df$condition)
      df_vec$part2 <- gsub(".*Loc(.*$)", "\\1",  df$condition)
  iterations = 10,
  check = FALSE

#> # A tibble: 4 x 6
#>   expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 separate      4.63s    5.19s     0.191    3.89GB    4.25 
#> 2 dt          99.44ms 112.32ms     8.95    28.91MB    0.895
#> 3 stringr    296.11ms  306.5ms     3.16    59.53MB    0.632
#> 4 gsub       502.85ms 528.69ms     1.63     7.63MB    0.163

plot(speeds, type = "beeswarm")

Plotting speeds of each approach (to iterate over 100,000 rows):

Created on 2021-12-08 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Upvotes: 1

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