Reputation: 870
On my iOS app written in Swift I need to take pictures and save them on gallery; as Apple documentation, all the pictures are taken in landscape also if the phone is in portrait; if we save the picture as-is it will be saved 90° rotated.
The question: How can I correctly manage the device orientation when saving picture?
Thank to some searches I used this solution:
func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) {
// ...error handling here
guard let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation(with: self) else {
NSLog("Fail to convert pixel buffer")
// Save image to gallery here
My class is AVCapturePhotoFileDataRepresentationCustomizer
delegate, so:
func replacementMetadata(for photo: AVCapturePhoto) -> [String : Any]? {
var properties = photo.metadata
// Image orientation
properties[kCGImagePropertyOrientation as String] = CGImagePropertyOrientation.right
let exifData = NSMutableDictionary(dictionary: properties[kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as String] as! NSDictionary)
let xDimension = exifData[kCGImagePropertyExifPixelYDimension as String]
let yDimension = exifData[kCGImagePropertyExifPixelXDimension as String]
if xDimension != nil && yDimension != nil {
exifData[kCGImagePropertyExifPixelXDimension as String] = xDimension
exifData[kCGImagePropertyExifPixelYDimension as String] = yDimension
properties[kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as String] = exifData
return properties
Because the image is shot in portrait the orientation is .right
and I read in my searches that also the X and Y dimensions in exif data should be swapped.
Unfortunately everything lead no result: Inspecting the saved image with an exif explorer image orientation is still a 0=unknown value and X and Y as originally set.
I'm sure the data is correctly set and written because:
Breakpoing on return properties
underlined that the orientation tag set correctly; moreover if a tag is not correctly set or unknown the app crashes...
In the same replacementMetadata
function I also set GPS data (I cut this for simplicity here!) and I wrote some test value (like heading = 101) and these data are correctly reported on the final image metadata.
So my question remains ... Thank you for pointing me in the right direction with code snippets or documents.
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Views: 1023
Reputation: 36
You could use these functions
private var deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation {
var orientation = UIDevice.current.orientation
if orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.unknown {
orientation = UIScreen.main.orientation
return orientation
private func videoOrientationFor(_ deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation) -> AVCaptureVideoOrientation? {
switch deviceOrientation {
case .portrait: return AVCaptureVideoOrientation.portrait
case .portraitUpsideDown: return AVCaptureVideoOrientation.portraitUpsideDown
case .landscapeLeft: return AVCaptureVideoOrientation.landscapeRight
case .landscapeRight: return AVCaptureVideoOrientation.landscapeLeft
default: return nil
fileprivate extension UIScreen {
var orientation: UIDeviceOrientation {
let point = coordinateSpace.convert(, to: fixedCoordinateSpace)
if point == {
return .portrait
} else if point.x != 0 && point.y != 0 {
return .portraitUpsideDown
} else if point.x == 0 && point.y != 0 {
return .landscapeRight //.landscapeLeft
} else if point.x != 0 && point.y == 0 {
return .landscapeLeft //.landscapeRight
} else {
return .unknown
and use it in your function takePhoto
if let photoOutputVideoConnection = photoOutput.connection(with: .video) {
if photoOutputVideoConnection.isVideoOrientationSupported,
let videoOrientation = self.videoOrientationFor(self.deviceOrientation) {
photoOutputVideoConnection.videoOrientation = videoOrientation
photoOutput.capturePhoto(with: photoSettings, delegate: self)
You can't change the value of metadata, the value is read only, you have in the metadata a value to know the orientation, and the property indicates which transform was applied to display correctly your photo
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 559
let deviceOrientation : UIDeviceOrientation =
var avcaptureOrientation : AVCaptureVideoOrientation = .landscapeRight
if (deviceOrientation == .landscapeLeft) {
avcaptureOrientation = .landscapeRight
} else if (deviceOrientation == .landscapeRight ) {
avcaptureOrientation = .landscapeLeft
} else if (deviceOrientation == .portrait) {
avcaptureOrientation = .portrait
} else if (deviceOrientation == .portraitUpsideDown) {
avcaptureOrientation = .portraitUpsideDown
self.previewLayer?.connection?.videoOrientation = avcaptureOrientation
self.photoOutput.connection(with: .video)?.videoOrientation = avcaptureOrientation
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 19
import Foundation
import CoreMotion
import AVFoundation
import UIKit
protocol OrientationHandlerDelegate: class {
func didChange(deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation)
class OrientationHandler {
private let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
private let queue = OperationQueue()
private var deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation = .unknown
weak var delegate: OrientationHandlerDelegate?
init() {
motionManager.accelerometerUpdateInterval = 1.0
motionManager.deviceMotionUpdateInterval = 1.0
motionManager.gyroUpdateInterval = 1.0
motionManager.magnetometerUpdateInterval = 1.0
func startMeasuring() {
guard motionManager.isDeviceMotionAvailable else {
motionManager.startAccelerometerUpdates(to: queue) { [weak self] (accelerometerData, error) in
guard let strongSelf = self else {
guard let accelerometerData = accelerometerData else {
let acceleration = accelerometerData.acceleration
let xx = -acceleration.x
let yy = acceleration.y
let z = acceleration.z
let angle = atan2(yy, xx)
var deviceOrientation = strongSelf.deviceOrientation
let absoluteZ = fabs(z)
if deviceOrientation == .faceUp || deviceOrientation == .faceDown {
if absoluteZ < 0.845 {
if angle < -2.6 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeRight
} else if angle > -2.05 && angle < -1.1 {
deviceOrientation = .portrait
} else if angle > -0.48 && angle < 0.48 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeLeft
} else if angle > 1.08 && angle < 2.08 {
deviceOrientation = .portraitUpsideDown
} else if z < 0 {
deviceOrientation = .faceUp
} else if z > 0 {
deviceOrientation = .faceDown
} else {
if z > 0.875 {
deviceOrientation = .faceDown
} else if z < -0.875 {
deviceOrientation = .faceUp
} else {
switch deviceOrientation {
case .landscapeLeft:
if angle < -1.07 {
deviceOrientation = .portrait
if angle > 1.08 {
deviceOrientation = .portraitUpsideDown
case .landscapeRight:
if angle < 0 && angle > -2.05 {
deviceOrientation = .portrait
if angle > 0 && angle < 2.05 {
deviceOrientation = .portraitUpsideDown
case .portraitUpsideDown:
if angle > 2.66 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeRight
if angle < 0.48 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeLeft
case .portrait:
if angle > -0.47 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeLeft
if angle < -2.64 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeRight
if angle > -0.47 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeLeft
if angle < -2.64 {
deviceOrientation = .landscapeRight
if strongSelf.deviceOrientation != deviceOrientation {
strongSelf.deviceOrientation = deviceOrientation
strongSelf.delegate?.didChange(deviceOrientation: deviceOrientation)
func stopMeasuring() {
func currentInterfaceOrientation() -> AVCaptureVideoOrientation {
switch deviceOrientation {
case .portrait:
return .portrait
case .landscapeRight:
return .landscapeLeft
case .landscapeLeft:
return .landscapeRight
case .portraitUpsideDown:
return .portraitUpsideDown
return .portrait
In your file having camera code:
let orientationHandler = OrientationHandler()
Start measuring orientation when camera is active.
orientationHandler.delegate = self
Stop measuring orientation when camera is not in use.
orientationHandler.delegate = nil
Finally add one line just before calling capturePhoto(with: settings, delegate: self)
//Need to correct image orientation before moving further
if let photoOutputConnection = photoOutput?.connection(with: .video) {
photoOutputConnection.videoOrientation = orientationHandler.currentInterfaceOrientation()
photoOutput?.capturePhoto(with: settings, delegate: self)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1217
You may set your shot orientation to whatever you like by setting videoOrientation
of your AVCapturePhotoOutput
To match it with the current device orientation, you may use UIDevice.current.orientation
manually converted to AVCaptureVideoOrientation
let photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput()
func takeShot() {
// set whatever orientation you like
let myShotOrientation = UIDevice.current.orientation.asCaptureVideoOrientation
if let photoOutputConnection = self.photoOutput.connection(with: .video) {
photoOutputConnection.videoOrientation = myShotOrientation
Conversion from UIDeviceOrientation
to AVCaptureVideoOrientation
extension UIDeviceOrientation {
var asCaptureVideoOrientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientation {
switch self {
// YES, that's not a mistake
case .landscapeLeft: return .landscapeRight
case .landscapeRight: return .landscapeLeft
case .portraitUpsideDown: return .portraitUpsideDown
default: return .portrait
Upvotes: 2