Reputation: 51
I'm building a CloudFormation deployment that includes a Lambda function built out in python 3.9. However, when I build the function, it will not allow me to keep the single quotes. This hasn't been an issue for most of the script as I simply import json and the double quote (") work fine, but one section requires the single quotes.
Here is the code:
import boto3
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = client_obj()
associated = associated_list(client)
response = client.list_resolver_query_log_configs(
config = response['ResolverQueryLogConfigs'][0]['Id']
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
vpc = ec2.describe_vpcs()
vpcs = vpc['Vpcs']
for v in vpcs:
if v['VpcId'] not in associated:
ResolverQueryLogConfigId= f"{config}",
print(f"{v['VpcId']} is already linked.")
def client_obj():
client = boto3.client('route53resolver')
return client
def associated_list(client_object):
associated = list()
assoc = client_object.list_resolver_query_log_config_associations()
for element in assoc['ResolverQueryLogConfigAssociations']:
return associated
any section that includes f"{v['VpcId']}"
requires the single quote inside the [] for the script to run properly. Since yaml requires the script to be encapsulated in single quotes for packaging, how can I fix this?
Example in yaml from another script:
Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function'
ZipFile: !Join
- |+
- - import boto3
- 'import json'
- 'from botocore.exceptions import ClientError'
- ''
- ''
- 'def lambda_handler(event, context):'
- ' iam_client = boto3.client("iam")'
- ''
- ' account_id = boto3.client("sts").get_caller_identity()["Account"]'
- ''
I imagine I could re-arrange the script to avoid this, but I would like to use this opportunity to learn something new if possible.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 794
Reputation: 238209
Not sure what you are trying to do, but usually you just use pipe in yaml for that:
ZipFile: |
import boto3
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = client_obj()
associated = associated_list(client)
response = client.list_resolver_query_log_configs(
config = response['ResolverQueryLogConfigs'][0]['Id']
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
vpc = ec2.describe_vpcs()
vpcs = vpc['Vpcs']
for v in vpcs:
if v['VpcId'] not in associated:
ResolverQueryLogConfigId= f"{config}",
print(f"{v['VpcId']} is already linked.")
def client_obj():
client = boto3.client('route53resolver')
return client
def associated_list(client_object):
associated = list()
assoc = client_object.list_resolver_query_log_config_associations()
for element in assoc['ResolverQueryLogConfigAssociations']:
return associated
Upvotes: 1