Reputation: 31

How can I add custom image placeholders in Next.js?

There are these properties on the next Image component called placeholder and blurDataURL and placeholder takes two values. either 'blur' or 'empty' and there is no other option and I thought if I did set placeholder to 'blur' and setting the blurDataURL to a place holder file like /cover.svg down there; it would do the trick... but it didn't! and I only got a blurred version of that image which is not what I wanted. and I searched high and low on google trying to find a way to set cover.svg as my placeholder but I did not find an answer.

const Comonent = () => {
  return <Image placeholder='blur' blurDataURL='/conver.svg' layout='fill' />

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Views: 2897

Answers (1)


Reputation: 12964

If just blur is the problem, then why not simply remove it?!

import Image from "next/image";

const Home = () => (
    <div className="img-container">
        alt="random image"
        blurDataURL="data:image/svg+xml,%0A%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' height='800' width='1200' viewBox='-120.01695 -39.28975 1040.1469 235.7385'%3E%3Cdefs%3E%3CclipPath clipPathUnits='userSpaceOnUse' id='a'%3E%3Cpath d='M0 1178.69V0h6000.85v1178.69z'/%3E%3C/clipPath%3E%3C/defs%3E%3Cg clip-path='url(%23a)' transform='matrix(.13333 0 0 -.13333 0 157.159)'%3E%3Cpath d='M1656.86 568.617l57.57 57.578h-117.91v139.981h-62.27V324.172c0-63.141 36.33-114.18 108.99-114.18h44.11v53.629h-32.87c-39.79 0-57.96 23.359-57.96 62.281v242.715zm3224.51-225.105v482.734h-110.62V336.699c0-62.972 38.29-126.793 129.34-126.793h62.96v93.61h-42.54c-28.08 0-39.14 13.609-39.14 39.996zM5884.28 653.25l-71.49-274.008-91.05 274.008h-80.83l-90.21-274.008-71.47 274.008h-117.44l136.15-443.344h91.05l92.75 278.258 92.76-278.258h91.05l135.3 443.344zM5225.5 323.938c-12.76-12.766-29.79-19.575-51.91-19.575-22.13 0-38.3 6.809-51.06 19.575C5099.55 346.902 5097 386.055 5097 432c0 45.961 2.55 84.254 25.53 107.219 12.76 12.765 28.93 19.574 51.06 19.574 22.12 0 39.15-6.809 51.91-19.574 22.97-22.965 25.53-61.258 25.53-107.219 0-45.945-2.56-85.098-25.53-108.062zm-51.91 334.417c-65.53 0-109.77-25.523-137-54.457-40-41.699-50.21-91.91-50.21-171.898 0-80.832 10.21-131.043 50.21-172.742 27.23-28.93 71.47-54.457 137-54.457 65.52 0 110.62 25.527 137.85 54.457 40 41.699 50.21 91.91 50.21 172.742 0 79.988-10.21 130.199-50.21 171.898-27.23 28.934-72.33 54.457-137.85 54.457zm-647.76 41.11V210.359h110.63V559.91h81.69v84.238h-81.69v48.508c0 25.528 12.76 39.992 39.13 39.992h42.56v93.598h-62.98c-90.2 0-129.34-63.816-129.34-126.781zm-250.45-88.758v42.543h-108.07V209.906h110.62v267.196c0 56.164 37.45 81.691 71.49 81.691 27.23 0 41.34-9.051 58.37-26.066l83.73 83.933c-30.63 30.637-61.27 41.695-104.67 41.695-47.65 0-90.2-22.121-111.47-47.648zM3834.8 472.852c.84 19.578 3.4 31.48 10.21 47.652 11.91 26.383 36.59 45.945 74.03 45.945s62.12-19.562 74.03-45.945c6.81-16.172 9.36-28.074 10.22-47.652zm84.24 185.503c-114.88 0-193.16-81.687-193.16-226.355 0-179.551 100.4-227.199 205.07-227.199 79.99 0 123.39 24.679 168.49 69.785l-67.22 65.519c-28.09-28.085-51.91-41.695-100.42-41.695-62.12 0-97 41.695-97 98.703h277.41v49.352c0 121.687-69.79 211.89-193.17 211.89zm-304.77-5.105l-89.35-274.008-90.2 274.008h-116.58l163.38-443.344h86.8l162.53 443.344zm-430.72-329.312c-12.76-12.766-29.79-19.575-51.91-19.575-22.12 0-38.29 6.809-51.06 19.575-22.98 22.964-25.53 62.117-25.53 108.062 0 45.961 2.55 84.254 25.53 107.219 12.77 12.765 28.94 19.574 51.06 19.574s39.15-6.809 51.91-19.574c22.97-22.965 25.53-61.258 25.53-107.219 0-45.945-2.56-85.098-25.53-108.062zm-51.91 334.417c-65.52 0-109.77-25.523-137-54.457-39.99-41.699-50.21-91.91-50.21-171.898 0-80.832 10.22-131.043 50.21-172.742 27.23-28.93 71.48-54.457 137-54.457s110.62 25.527 137.85 54.457c40 41.699 50.21 91.91 50.21 172.742 0 79.988-10.21 130.199-50.21 171.898-27.23 28.934-72.33 54.457-137.85 54.457zm-292.6-22.16h-77.64l-192.97-187.859.3 377.531h-62.28V209.992h62.28l-.3 155.324 75.55 75.817 142.74-231.141h76.97l-176.57 274.281zm-533.4-50.804c40.65 0 65.74-12.102 97.74-47.563 0 0 41.7 40.524 41.35 40.891-43.66 46.711-80.73 62.035-139.09 62.035-107.26 0-188.57-72.656-188.57-217.981 0-145.304 81.31-217.972 188.57-217.972 58.82 0 96.01 15.578 140.12 63.14l-42.38 40.653c-32-35.461-57.09-48.434-97.74-48.434-41.52 0-76.12 16.434-98.61 48.434-19.9 27.679-27.68 60.554-27.68 114.179 0 53.629 7.78 86.504 27.68 114.184 22.49 32.012 57.09 48.434 98.61 48.434zm-306.2-224.883c0-35.477-6.93-59.696-21.63-73.528-26.82-25.949-58.82-28.55-95.15-28.55-67.47 0-97.74 23.355-97.74 72.668 0 49.293 31.14 75.242 95.15 75.242h119.37zm-108.12 280.246c-68.28 0-111.29-13.469-148.98-61.184-.52-.648 40.85-40.882 40.85-40.882 25.09 35.46 52.77 48.437 107.26 48.437 77.85 0 108.99-31.145 108.99-93.414v-40.652h-128.02c-95.15 0-147.05-48.45-147.05-122.836 0-33.731 11.25-65.731 32-86.5 26.82-27.68 61.42-38.922 120.24-38.922 57.09 0 88.22 11.242 122.83 45.844v-40.653h62.27v288.91c0 92.555-56.22 141.852-170.39 141.852zm-532.58-191.156l-68.34 6.05c-53.62 4.321-74.38 25.95-74.38 62.282 0 43.246 32.86 70.062 95.15 70.062 44.11 0 83.04-10.383 113.3-33.726l40.67 40.652c-38.07 31.129-92.56 45.836-153.11 45.836-90.83 0-156.56-46.707-156.56-124.555 0-70.066 44.11-107.258 127.15-114.179l70.07-6.051c49.3-4.336 70.93-25.09 70.93-62.285 0-50.164-43.25-75.254-113.32-75.254-52.76 0-98.61 13.843-132.35 49.304l-41.51-41.523c46.71-44.977 102.93-61.41 174.73-61.41 102.93 0 172.99 47.578 172.99 129.742 0 79.594-51.03 108.129-125.42 115.055' fill='%23212325'/%3E%3Cpath d='M840.719 105.18v315.511h105.164V0H0v420.691h105.164V105.18h735.555' fill='%23bcbbbc'/%3E%3Cpath d='M210.445 210.359h525.821v105.164H210.445zm471.266 968.331l-84.383-62.76 313.817-421.914 84.382 62.761zM420.879 929.949l404.047-336.504 67.301 80.813L488.18 1010.76zM288.973 696.102l476.664-221.993 44.398 95.332-476.664 221.993zm-68.086-246.391l514.582-108.149 21.629 102.918-514.582 108.149-21.629-102.918' fill='%23f48023'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E"
    <style jsx global>{`
      .img-container > span > img {
        filter: none !important;

export default Home;


If you don't want to hardcode the data URI, you can use getStaticProps like this:

import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";

import Image from "next/image";
import svgToMiniDataURI from "mini-svg-data-uri";

const Home = ({ coverDataURL }) => (
    <div className="img-container">
        alt="random image"
    <style jsx global>{`
      .img-container > span > img {
        filter: none !important;

const getStaticProps = async () => ({
  props: {
    coverDataURL: svgToMiniDataURI(
      fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/cover.svg"), "utf8").toString()

export default Home;
export { getStaticProps };

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If you are fine with hardcoding then use any online service like this to convert your SVG to data URI.

There are other methods as well, like using a custom webpack config and setting up asset/inline for SVG files, or maybe a Babel loader. But that is just an overkill, also it will change the behavior of all SVG imports.

Upvotes: 2

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