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I want to do the project that two iiwa manipulator each with a point finger to carry a box or do the job like drake Gallery’s
“IIWA Bimanual Manipulation”, based on trajectory optimization
method in drake
So I start with a simple test that a passive box with x direction initial velocity on the ground, and to find the trajectory of the box. I use trajectory optimization similar to Michael Posa’s paper
, but instead of the friction and complementary constrain with sliding_friction_complementarity_constraint from drake. My code write with python based pydrake
in the file test_only_box_passive_sliding_friction_issue.ipynb.
But now I get stuck here that I couldn’t get a solution with this simple test. So I want to get some help from drake team.
There are some questions:
1.Is it because my initial guess is bad?
2. Whether I should replace the nonliear friction cone with linear friction to improve the solution process?
3. In the sliding_friction_complementarity_constraint
, whether I should add static friction cone
constrain to the fstatic
variable? I
observe that when contact tangential velocity
is not zero,only can
infer the normal fstatic
is zero,but the tangential fstatic
is not
constrained even if the static friction cone constrain add to the f
4.Whether I should use other method? I know this test is a simulate problem
, is not a true trajectory optimization
problem, and LCP
method could more appropriate to solve it. But my goal is to
planning two iiwa manipulation, LCP method seem not so good for
trajectory optimization
according to Michael Posa’s paper.
Any advise for my project would be very appreciated!
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Views: 96
Reputation: 2766
I glanced quickly on your code, a couple of issues
In the sliding_friction_complementarity_constraint, whether I should add static friction cone constrain to the fstatic variable? I observe that when contact tangential velocity is not zero,only can infer the normal fstatic is zero,but the tangential fstatic is not constrained even if the static friction cone constrain add to the f.
I think you care about the total friction force (coming from both f_static and f_sliding) is within the friction cone. So as long as you have that constraint |f_tangential | ≤ μ f_normal
, the friction cone constraint is satisfied. You don't have to impose the friction cone constraint on the static force.
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