Reputation: 125
I want to create a fire occurence probability map with random forest method. My response variable is a raster with the mean annual burned area per grid cell. My explanitory variables are mulitple rasters (temperature, elevation, land use and population density). Is it possible to use a raster as the response variable and how would a basic codeline look like? I couldn't find any information on that.
files <- list.files(path="C:/Users/fsorb/OneDrive/Desktop/test/fire_prob", pattern="grd", all.files=FALSE, full.names=TRUE,recursive=TRUE)
predictors <- stack(files)
fire <- raster("C:/Users/fsorb/OneDrive/Desktop/test/env_data/fire.tif")
fire_occ_prob <- randomForest(fire ~ ., data = predictors, ntree=500)
So is the code I have so far, but I get the error: Error in : can not transform ‘structure("RasterStack", package = "raster")’ into data.frame
I tried to save the fire raster as.dataframe but all grid cells only get NA value.
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Views: 517
Reputation: 33
I would try to
files <- list.files(path="C:/Users/fsorb/OneDrive/Desktop/test/fire_prob", pattern="grd", all.files=FALSE, full.names=TRUE,recursive=TRUE)
predictors <- stack(files)
fire <- raster("C:/Users/fsorb/OneDrive/Desktop/test/env_data/fire.tif")
# convert raster to point
response <- rasterToPoints(fire, spatial = TRUE) %>% st_as_sf()
response$ID <- c(1:nrow(response))
colnames(response)[1] <- "response"
# combine predictor values with the response
rs_preds <- full_join(terra::extract(x=r2, y=response, df=TRUE),
st_drop_geometry(response), by="ID")
# train random forest
fire_occ_prob <- randomForest(response ~ .,
data = rs_preds[,!names(rs_preds) %in% "ID"],
importance = TRUE)
# plot variable importance
# make spatial predictions
sp_pred <- raster::predict(predictors, model=fire_occ_prob)
If your aim is to make spatial (temporal) predictions, make sure to use a spatial (temporal) (cross-) validation strategy. For further information take a look at e.g. Roberts et al. (2016):
Greetings, Jan
Upvotes: 2