Reputation: 5622
I would like to split a very large string (let's say, 10,000 characters) into N-size chunks.
What would be the best way in terms of performance to do this?
For instance:
split by 2 would become ["12", "34", "56", "78", "90"]
Would something like this be possible using String.prototype.match
and if so, would that be the best way to do it in terms of performance?
Upvotes: 326
Views: 288313
Reputation: 9
Use this npm library "chkchars" but remember to make sure the length of the string given is perfectly divided by the "number" parameter.
const phrase = "1110010111010011100101110100010000011100101110100111001011101001011101001110010111010001000001110010111010011100101110100"
const number = 7
chkchars.splitToChunks(phrase, number)
// result => ['1110010', '1110100','1110010', '1110100','0100000', '1110010','1110100', '1110010','1110100', '1011101','0011100', '1011101','0001000','0011100','1011101', '0011100','1011101']
// perf => 0.287ms
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 625
Include both left and right version with pre-allocation. This is as fast as RegExp impl for small chunks but it goes faster as the chunk size grows. And it is memory efficent.
function chunkLeft (str, size = 3) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
const length = str.length
const chunks = Array(Math.ceil(length / size))
for (let i = 0, index = 0; index < length; i++) {
chunks[i] = str.slice(index, index += size)
return chunks
function chunkRight (str, size = 3) {
if (typeof str === 'string') {
const length = str.length
const chunks = Array(Math.ceil(length / size))
if (length) {
chunks[0] = str.slice(0, length % size || size)
for (let i = 1, index = chunks[0].length; index < length; i++) {
chunks[i] = str.slice(index, index += size)
return chunks
console.log(chunkRight()) // undefined
console.log(chunkRight('')) // []
console.log(chunkRight('1')) // ["1"]
console.log(chunkRight('123')) // ["123"]
console.log(chunkRight('1234')) // ["1", "234"]
console.log(chunkRight('12345')) // ["12", "345"]
console.log(chunkRight('123456')) // ["123", "456"]
console.log(chunkRight('1234567')) // ["1", "234", "567"]
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1803
You can definitely do something like
let pieces = "1234567890 ".split(/(.{2})/).filter(x => x.length == 2);
to get this:
[ '12', '34', '56', '78', '90' ]
If you want to dynamically input/adjust the chunk size so that the chunks are of size n, you can do this:
n = 2;
let pieces = "1234567890 ".split(new RegExp("(.{"+n.toString()+"})")).filter(x => x.length == n);
To find all possible size n chunks in the original string, try this:
let subs = new Set();
let n = 2;
let str = "1234567890 ";
let regex = new RegExp("(.{"+n.toString()+"})"); //set up regex expression dynamically encoded with n
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++){ //starting from all possible offsets from position 0 in the string
let pieces = str.split(regex).filter(x => x.length == n); //divide the string into chunks of size n...
for (let p of pieces) //...and add the chunks to the set
str = str.substr(1); //shift the string reading frame
You should end up with:
[ '12', '23', '34', '45', '56', '67', '78', '89', '90', '0 ' ]
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 36
You can use reduce()
without any regex:
(str, n) => {
return str.split('').reduce(
(acc, rec, index) => {
return ((index % n) || !(index)) ? acc.concat(rec) : acc.concat(',', rec)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 38183
Here's a solution I came up with for template strings after a little experimenting:
function chunkString(nSize) {
return (strToChunk) => {
let result = [];
let chars = String(strToChunk).split('');
for(let i = 0; i < (String(strToChunk).length / nSize); i++) {
result = result.concat(chars.slice(i*nSize,(i+1)*nSize).join(''));
return result
// returns: testi,ng123
// returns: tes,tin,g12,3
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 131
My issue with the above solution is that it beark the string into formal size chunks regardless of the position in the sentences.
I think the following a better approach; although it needs some performance tweaking:
static chunkString(str, length, size,delimiter='\n' ) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const lastIndex = _.lastIndexOf(str, delimiter,size + i);
result.push(str.substr(i, lastIndex - i));
i = lastIndex;
return result;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 135207
This is a fast and straightforward solution -
function chunkString (str, len) {
const size = Math.ceil(str.length/len)
const r = Array(size)
let offset = 0
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
r[i] = str.substr(offset, len)
offset += len
return r
console.log(chunkString("helloworld", 3))
// => [ "hel", "low", "orl", "d" ]
// 10,000 char string
const bigString = "helloworld".repeat(1000)
const result = chunkString(bigString, 3)
// => perf: 0.385 ms
// => [ "hel", "low", "orl", "dhe", "llo", "wor", ... ]
Upvotes: 31
Reputation: 26518
const getChunksFromString = (str, chunkSize) => {
var regexChunk = new RegExp(`.{1,${chunkSize}}`, 'g') // '.' represents any character
return str.match(regexChunk)
Call it as needed
console.log(getChunksFromString("Hello world", 3)) // ["Hel", "lo ", "wor", "ld"]
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 5135
Surprise! You can use split to split.
var parts = "1234567890 ".split(/(.{2})/).filter(O=>O)
Results in [ '12', '34', '56', '78', '90', ' ' ]
Upvotes: 23
Reputation: 98
What about this small piece of code:
function splitME(str, size) {
let subStr = new RegExp('.{1,' + size + '}', 'g');
return str.match(subStr);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10241
I created several faster variants which you can see on jsPerf. My favorite one is this:
function chunkSubstr(str, size) {
const numChunks = Math.ceil(str.length / size)
const chunks = new Array(numChunks)
for (let i = 0, o = 0; i < numChunks; ++i, o += size) {
chunks[i] = str.substr(o, size)
return chunks
Upvotes: 79
Reputation: 1
function chunkString(str, length = 10) {
let result = [],
offset = 0;
if (str.length <= length) return result.push(str) && result;
while (offset < str.length) {
result.push(str.substr(offset, length));
offset += length;
return result;
Upvotes: -3
Reputation: 1438
Using slice() method:
function returnChunksArray(str, chunkSize) {
var arr = [];
while(str !== '') {
arr.push(str.slice(0, chunkSize));
str = str.slice(chunkSize);
return arr;
The same can be done using substring() method.
function returnChunksArray(str, chunkSize) {
var arr = [];
while(str !== '') {
arr.push(str.substring(0, chunkSize));
str = str.substring(chunkSize);
return arr;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2234
it Split's large string in to Small strings of given words .
function chunkSubstr(str, words) {
var parts = str.split(" ") , values = [] , i = 0 , tmpVar = "";
$.each(parts, function(index, value) {
if(tmpVar.length < words){
tmpVar += " " + value;
values[i] = tmpVar.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
tmpVar = value;
if(values.length < 1 && parts.length > 0){
values[0] = tmpVar;
return values;
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 65
window.format = function(b, a) {
if (!b || isNaN(+a)) return a;
var a = b.charAt(0) == "-" ? -a : +a,
j = a < 0 ? a = -a : 0,
e = b.match(/[^\d\-\+#]/g),
h = e && e[e.length - 1] || ".",
e = e && e[1] && e[0] || ",",
b = b.split(h),
a = a.toFixed(b[1] && b[1].length),
a = +a + "",
d = b[1] && b[1].lastIndexOf("0"),
c = a.split(".");
if (!c[1] || c[1] && c[1].length <= d) a = (+a).toFixed(d + 1);
d = b[0].split(e);
b[0] = d.join("");
var f = b[0] && b[0].indexOf("0");
if (f > -1)
for (; c[0].length < b[0].length - f;) c[0] = "0" + c[0];
else +c[0] == 0 && (c[0] = "");
a = a.split(".");
a[0] = c[0];
if (c = d[1] && d[d.length -
1].length) {
for (var d = a[0], f = "", k = d.length % c, g = 0, i = d.length; g < i; g++) f += d.charAt(g), !((g - k + 1) % c) && g < i - c && (f += e);
a[0] = f
a[1] = b[1] && a[1] ? h + a[1] : "";
return (j ? "-" : "") + a[0] + a[1]
var str="1234567890";
var formatstr=format( "##,###.", str);
This will split the string in reverse order with comma separated after 3 char's. If you want you can change the position.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 28160
, slice
, substr
and substring
and slice
for different chunk sizesmatch
and slice
with small chunk sizeBottom line:
is very inefficient, slice
is better, on Firefox substr
is better stillmatch
is even more inefficient for short strings (even with cached regex - probably due to regex parsing setup time)match
is even more inefficient for large chunk size (probably due to inability to "jump")match
outperforms slice
on older IE but still loses on all other systemsUpvotes: 47
Reputation: 23472
Here is the code that I am using, it uses String.prototype.slice.
Yes it is quite long as an answer goes as it tries to follow current standards as close as possible and of course contains a reasonable amount of JSDOC comments. However, once minified, the code is only 828 bytes and once gzipped for transmission it is only 497 bytes.
The 1 method that this adds to String.prototype
(using Object.defineProperty where available) is:
A number of tests have been included to check the functionality.
Worried that the length of code will affect the performance? No need to worry,
Much of the extra code is there to be sure that the code will respond the same across multiple javascript environments.
/*jslint maxlen:80, browser:true, devel:true */
* Properties used by toChunks.
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, abs, ceil, configurable, defineProperty, enumerable,
floor, length, max, min, pow, prototype, slice, toChunks, value,
* Properties used in the testing of toChunks implimentation.
appendChild, createTextNode, floor, fromCharCode, getElementById, length,
log, pow, push, random, toChunks
(function () {
'use strict';
var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
* Defines a new property directly on an object, or modifies an existing
* property on an object, and returns the object.
* @private
* @function
* @param {Object} object
* @param {string} property
* @param {Object} descriptor
* @return {Object}
* @see
function $defineProperty(object, property, descriptor) {
if (Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(object, property, descriptor);
} else {
object[property] = descriptor.value;
return object;
* Returns true if the operands are strictly equal with no type conversion.
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} a
* @param {*} b
* @return {boolean}
* @see
function $strictEqual(a, b) {
return a === b;
* Returns true if the operand inputArg is undefined.
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} inputArg
* @return {boolean}
function $isUndefined(inputArg) {
return $strictEqual(typeof inputArg, 'undefined');
* The abstract operation throws an error if its argument is a value that
* cannot be converted to an Object, otherwise returns the argument.
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} inputArg The object to be tested.
* @throws {TypeError} If inputArg is null or undefined.
* @return {*} The inputArg if coercible.
* @see
function $requireObjectCoercible(inputArg) {
var errStr;
if (inputArg === null || $isUndefined(inputArg)) {
errStr = 'Cannot convert argument to object: ' + inputArg;
throw new TypeError(errStr);
return inputArg;
* The abstract operation converts its argument to a value of type string
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} inputArg
* @return {string}
* @see
function $toString(inputArg) {
var type,
if (inputArg === null) {
val = 'null';
} else {
type = typeof inputArg;
if (type === 'string') {
val = inputArg;
} else if (type === 'undefined') {
val = type;
} else {
if (type === 'symbol') {
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert symbol to string');
val = String(inputArg);
return val;
* Returns a string only if the arguments is coercible otherwise throws an
* error.
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} inputArg
* @throws {TypeError} If inputArg is null or undefined.
* @return {string}
function $onlyCoercibleToString(inputArg) {
return $toString($requireObjectCoercible(inputArg));
* The function evaluates the passed value and converts it to an integer.
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} inputArg The object to be converted to an integer.
* @return {number} If the target value is NaN, null or undefined, 0 is
* returned. If the target value is false, 0 is returned
* and if true, 1 is returned.
* @see
function $toInteger(inputArg) {
var number = +inputArg,
val = 0;
if ($strictEqual(number, number)) {
if (!number || number === Infinity || number === -Infinity) {
val = number;
} else {
val = (number > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));
return val;
* The abstract operation ToLength converts its argument to an integer
* suitable for use as the length of an array-like object.
* @private
* @function
* @param {*} inputArg The object to be converted to a length.
* @return {number} If len <= +0 then +0 else if len is +INFINITY then
* 2^53-1 else min(len, 2^53-1).
* @see
function $toLength(inputArg) {
return Math.min(Math.max($toInteger(inputArg), 0), MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
if (!String.prototype.toChunks) {
* This method chunks a string into an array of strings of a specified
* chunk size.
* @function
* @this {string} The string to be chunked.
* @param {Number} chunkSize The size of the chunks that the string will
* be chunked into.
* @returns {Array} Returns an array of the chunked string.
$defineProperty(String.prototype, 'toChunks', {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value: function (chunkSize) {
var str = $onlyCoercibleToString(this),
chunkLength = $toInteger(chunkSize),
chunked = [],
if (chunkLength < 1) {
return chunked;
length = $toLength(str.length);
numChunks = Math.ceil(length / chunkLength);
index = 0;
start = 0;
end = chunkLength;
chunked.length = numChunks;
while (index < numChunks) {
chunked[index] = str.slice(start, end);
start = end;
end += chunkLength;
index += 1;
return chunked;
* Some tests
(function () {
'use strict';
var pre = document.getElementById('out'),
chunkSizes = [],
maxChunkSize = 512,
testString = '',
maxTestString = 100000,
chunkSize = 0,
index = 1;
while (chunkSize < maxChunkSize) {
chunkSize = Math.pow(2, index);
index += 1;
index = 0;
while (index < maxTestString) {
testString += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * 95) + 32);
index += 1;
function log(result) {
pre.appendChild(document.createTextNode(result + '\n'));
function test() {
var strLength = testString.length,
czLength = chunkSizes.length,
czIndex = 0,
while (czIndex < czLength) {
czValue = chunkSizes[czIndex];
numChunks = Math.ceil(strLength / czValue);
result = testString.toChunks(czValue);
czIndex += 1;
log('chunksize: ' + czValue);
log(' Number of chunks:');
log(' Calculated: ' + numChunks);
log(' Actual:' + result.length);
pass = result.length === numChunks;
log(' First chunk size: ' + result[0].length);
pass = pass && result[0].length === czValue;
log(' Passed: ' + pass);
log('Simple test result');
<pre id="out"></pre>
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 95508
You can do something like this:
// Results in:
["12", "34", "56", "78", "90"]
The method will still work with strings whose size is not an exact multiple of the chunk-size:
// Results in:
["12", "34", "56", "78", "9"]
In general, for any string out of which you want to extract at-most n-sized substrings, you would do:
str.match(/.{1,n}/g); // Replace n with the size of the substring
If your string can contain newlines or carriage returns, you would do:
str.match(/(.|[\r\n]){1,n}/g); // Replace n with the size of the substring
As far as performance, I tried this out with approximately 10k characters and it took a little over a second on Chrome. YMMV.
This can also be used in a reusable function:
function chunkString(str, length) {
return str.match(new RegExp('.{1,' + length + '}', 'g'));
Upvotes: 662
Reputation: 61
I have written an extended function, so the chunk length can also be an array of numbers, like [1,3]
String.prototype.chunkString = function(len) {
var _ret;
if (this.length < 1) {
return [];
if (typeof len === 'number' && len > 0) {
var _size = Math.ceil(this.length / len), _offset = 0;
_ret = new Array(_size);
for (var _i = 0; _i < _size; _i++) {
_ret[_i] = this.substring(_offset, _offset = _offset + len);
else if (typeof len === 'object' && len.length) {
var n = 0, l = this.length, chunk, that = this;
_ret = [];
do {
len.forEach(function(o) {
chunk = that.substring(n, n + o);
if (chunk !== '') {
n += chunk.length;
if (n === 0) {
return undefined; // prevent an endless loop when len = [0]
} while (n < l);
return _ret;
The code
will return:
[ '1', '234', '5', '678', '9', '012', '3' ]
Upvotes: 5
In the form of a prototype function:
String.prototype.lsplit = function(){
return this.match(new RegExp('.{1,'+ ((arguments.length==1)?(isFinite(String(arguments[0]).trim())?arguments[0]:false):1) +'}', 'g'));
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 490193
I would use a regex...
var chunkStr = function(str, chunkLength) {
return str.match(new RegExp('[\\s\\S]{1,' + +chunkLength + '}', 'g'));
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 572
var l = str.length, lc = 0, chunks = [], c = 0, chunkSize = 2;
for (; lc < l; c++) {
chunks[c] = str.slice(lc, lc += chunkSize);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 23142
var str = "123456789";
var chunks = [];
var chunkSize = 2;
while (str) {
if (str.length < chunkSize) {
else {
chunks.push(str.substr(0, chunkSize));
str = str.substr(chunkSize);
alert(chunks); // chunks == 12,34,56,78,9
Upvotes: 8