Reputation: 350
I have a dataframe with the population by age in several cities:
City Age_25 Age_26 Age_27 Age_28 Age_29 Age_30
New York 11312 3646 4242 4344 4242 6464
London 6446 2534 3343 63475 34433 34434
Paris 5242 34343 6667 132 323 3434
Hong Kong 354 979 878 6776 7676 898
Buenos Aires 4244 7687 78 8676 786 9798
I want to create a new dataframe with the sum of the columns based on ranges of three years. That is, people from 25 to 27 and people from 28 to 30. Like this:
City Age_25_27 Age_28_30
New York 19200 15050
London 12323 132342
Paris 46252 3889
Hong Kong 2211 15350
Buenos Aires 12009 19260
In this example I gave a range of three year but in mine real database it has to be 5 five and with 100 ages.
How could I do that? I've saw some related answers but neither work very well in my case.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 679
Reputation: 95
You can extract the columns of the dataframe and put them in a list. Use
col_list = df.columns
But ultimately, I think what you'd want to do is more of a while loop with your inputs (band of 5 and up to 100 ages) as static values that you iterate over.
band = 5
start = 20
max_age = 120
i = start
while i < max_age:
age_start = i
age_end = i
sum_cols = []
col_name = 'age_' + str(age_start) + '_to_' + str(age_end)
for i in range(age_start,age_end):
age_adder = 'age_' + str(i)
df[col_name] += df[age_adder]
i += band
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 22472
You can use groupby
In [1]: import pandas as pd
...: import numpy as np
In [2]: d = {
...: 'City': ['New York', 'London', 'Paris', 'Hong Kong', 'Buenos Aires'],
...: 'Age_25': [11312, 6446, 5242, 354, 4244],
...: 'Age_26': [3646, 2534, 34343, 979, 7687],
...: 'Age_27': [4242, 3343, 6667, 878, 78],
...: 'Age_28': [4344, 63475, 132, 6776, 8676],
...: 'Age_29': [4242, 34433, 323, 7676, 786],
...: 'Age_30': [6464, 34434, 3434, 898, 9798]
...: }
...: df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
...: df = df.set_index('City')
...: df
Age_25 Age_26 Age_27 Age_28 Age_29 Age_30
New York 11312 3646 4242 4344 4242 6464
London 6446 2534 3343 63475 34433 34434
Paris 5242 34343 6667 132 323 3434
Hong Kong 354 979 878 6776 7676 898
Buenos Aires 4244 7687 78 8676 786 9798
In [3]: n_cols = 3 # change to 5 for actual dataset
...: sum_every_n_cols_df = df.groupby((np.arange(len(df.columns)) // n_cols) + 1, axis=1).sum()
...: sum_every_n_cols_df
1 2
New York 19200 15050
London 12323 132342
Paris 46252 3889
Hong Kong 2211 15350
Buenos Aires 12009 19260
Upvotes: 1
Try this:
age_columns = df.filter(like='Age_').columns
n = age_columns.str.split('_').str[-1].astype(int)
df['Age_25-27'] = df[age_columns[(n >= 25) & (n <= 27)]].sum(axis=1)
df['Age_28-30'] = df[age_columns[(n >= 28) & (n <= 30)]].sum(axis=1)
>>> df
City Age_25 Age_26 Age_27 Age_28 Age_29 Age_30 Age_25-27 Age_28-30
New York 11312 3646 4242 4344 4242 6464.0 19200 15050.0
London 6446 2534 3343 63475 34433 34434 NaN 69352 68867.0
Paris 5242 34343 6667 132 323 3434 NaN 41142 3757.0
Hong Kong 354 979 878 6776 7676 898.0 2211 15350.0
Buenos Aires 4244 7687 78 8676 786 9798.0 12009 19260.0
Upvotes: 2