Reputation: 1
I'm using Laravel 8, Eloquent and Datatables for few days now. I actually find how i can display a datatable with one of my table with datatable and Eloquent.
My problem now is that I need to display the name in a column (that you can find in the "appellations" table) instead of his foreign key.
screenshot of the actual result of my datatables
This is a screenshot of what I have actually, and my aim is to display the "abrege" that you can find in the "appellations" table in the 2 column I show you in red ("App CVI" and "App engage"), instead of they foreign key.
My code actually is :
My "SousParcelle" Model:
class SousParcelle extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'sous_parcelles';
protected $fillable = ['id',
public function appellation(){
return $this->belongsTo(Appellation::class, 'affectation_appellation_id', 'id');
My "Appellation" Model :
class Appellation extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'appellations';
protected $fillable = ['id', 'libelle', 'abrege', 'siqo_id'];
public function sousparcelles(){
return $this->hasMany(Appellation::class, 'affectation_appellation_id', 'id');
My "SousParcellesController" Datatable Controller :
class SousParcellesController
public function index()
return view('welcome');
public function getSousParcelles(Request $request)
if ($request->ajax()) {
$query = SousParcelle::with(['appellation' => function($query){
return DataTables::of($query)
->addColumn('App engagee', function(SousParcelle $sousparcelles){
return $sousparcelles->appellations()->abrege;
The script of my view "welcome.blade.php" :
<table id="sousparcelles" class="table table-bordered yajra-datatable">
<th>Référence Cadastrale</th>
<th>App CVI</th>
<th>Sup CVI</th>
<th>App engagee</th>
<th>Sup engagee</th>
<script type="text/javascript">
function load_table(appellation_id) {
if ($.fn.dataTable.isDataTable('.yajra-datatable')) {
var table = $('.yajra-datatable').DataTable({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
searching: true,
ajax: "{{ route('sousparcelles.liste') }}",
columns: [
{data: 'dist_entre_rang', name: 'dist_entre_rang'},
{data: 'parcelle_id', name: 'parcelle_id'},
{data: 'annee_plantation', name: 'annee_plantation'},
{data: 'cepage_id', name: 'cepage_id'},
{data: 'appellation_cvi_id', name: 'appellation_cvi_id', type: 'selection'},
{data: 'superficie', name: 'superficie'},
{data: 'affectation_appellation_id', name: 'appellations.abrege'},
{data: 'affectation_superficie', name: 'affectation_superficie'},
$(function () {
function change_appellation() {
Could someone enlighten me about this relationship communication please ?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1033
Reputation: 1
UPDATE ! I found the solution ! I decided to change the whole request and now it work well. Here is my solution :
The changed part un my controller (with more 'join' to other tables and a 'where' to only have the entries of connected account):
public function getSousParcelles(Request $request)
if ($request->ajax()) {
$id = Auth::id();
$userData = DB::table('sous_parcelles')
->join('appellations as affectation', '', '=', 'sous_parcelles.affectation_appellation_id')
->join('appellations as engagee', '', '=', 'sous_parcelles.appellation_cvi_id')
->join('parcelles', '', '=', 'sous_parcelles.parcelle_id')
->join('users', '', '=', 'parcelles.user_id')
->select('sous_parcelles.*', 'affectation.abrege as affectationlib', 'engagee.abrege as engageelib', 'parcelles.campagne as parcellescamp')->where('user_id', '=', $id);
return Datatables::of($userData)->filter(function ($query) use ($request) {
And here is my new JS script :
var table = $('.yajra-datatable').DataTable({
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
searching: false,
ajax: "{{ route('sousparcelles.liste') }}",
columns: [
{data: 'parcellescamp', name: 'parcelles.campagne'},
{data: 'parcelle_id', name: 'sous_parcelles.parcelle_id'},
{data: 'annee_plantation', name: 'sous_parcelles.annee_plantation'},
{data: 'cepage_id', name: 'sous_parcelles.cepage_id'},
{data: 'affectationlib', name: 'affectation.abrege'},
{data: 'superficie', name: 'sous_parcelles.superficie'},
{data: 'engageelib', name: 'engagee.abrege'},
{data: 'affectation_superficie', name: 'sous_parcelles.affectation_superficie'},
All other files do not change for this problem.
I hope it will be useful for someone.
Upvotes: 0