
Reputation: 47

Calculate area of SpatialPoints object r

I am having trouble calculating the area that my SpatialPoints object spans. I need the area in m^2. The code for my object is below. I can't seem to find the answer online. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

new("SpatialPoints", coords = structure(c(365901.718425453, 365840.735248348, 
365658.787059115, 365358.861441992, 364945.883167318, 364426.633326947, 
363809.637988903, 363105.028199579, 362324.373632234, 361480.492613283, 
360587.241645727, 359659.287885757, 358711.868308457, 357760.539517095, 
356820.922304122, 355908.4451582, 355038.090928836, 354224.150808417, 
353479.989671215, 352817.82662253, 352248.534361316, 351781.460650762, 
351424.274828283, 351182.841875208, 351061.126113954, 351061.126113954, 
351182.841875208, 351424.274828283, 351781.460650762, 352248.534361316, 
352817.82662253, 353479.989671215, 354224.150808417, 355038.090928836, 
355908.4451582, 356820.922304122, 357760.539517094, 358711.868308457, 
359659.287885757, 360587.241645727, 361480.492613283, 362324.373632234, 
363105.028199579, 363809.637988903, 364426.633326947, 364945.883167318, 
365358.861441992, 365658.787059115, 365840.735248348, 365901.718425453, 
365901.718425453, 471406.967507941, 470123.485439601, 468861.07811134, 
467640.474216585, 466481.716037545, 465403.830351483, 464424.516011563, 
463559.853332175, 462824.040050607, 462229.1582006, 461784.975725686, 
461498.786089822, 461375.288518918, 461416.510839672, 461621.776182718, 
461987.714096798, 462508.31589148, 463175.033299687, 463976.91884001, 
464900.805574046, 465931.523307164, 467052.147682681, 468244.278079334, 
469488.339748967, 470763.90523336, 472050.029782522, 473325.595266915, 
474569.656936548, 475761.787333201, 476882.411708718, 477913.129441836, 
478837.016175871, 479638.901716194, 480305.619124402, 480826.220919084, 
481192.158833164, 481397.42417621, 481438.646496964, 481315.14892606, 
481028.959290196, 480584.776815282, 479989.894965275, 479254.081683707, 
478389.419004318, 477410.104664399, 476332.218978337, 475173.460799296, 
473952.856904542, 472690.449576281, 471406.967507941, 471406.967507941
), .Dim = c(51L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("X_rotated", "Y_rotated"
))), bbox = structure(c(351061.126113954, 461375.288518918, 365901.718425453, 
481438.646496964), .Dim = c(2L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(c("X_rotated", 
"Y_rotated"), c("min", "max"))), proj4string = new("CRS", projargs = "+proj=sterea +lat_0=52.1561605555556 +lon_0=5.38763888888889 +k=0.9999079 +x_0=155000 +y_0=463000 +ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs"))

Upvotes: 1

Views: 638

Answers (1)

You can use the sf package to accomplish the desired output. First you'll need to convert your points data into sf, then calculate its bounding box and create a polygon from that box. Finally, you just need to calculate its area with st_area.


# First convert to sf
st_as_sf(df) |>
  # Get bounding box of points
  st_bbox(df) |>
  # Create bbox polygon from bbox
  st_as_sfc() |>
  # Calculate area

# 297752116 [m^2]

Upvotes: 2

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