Reputation: 307
I have below plugin in maven which is working fine. Now, I need to use the gradle version of project, so need to use the plugin in gradle. I tried below, but I am getting mentioned error. I am using Java 11. Any help/Suggestion is appreciable.
Below is the build.gradle file content
configurations {
dependencies {
compile "org.apache.cxf:cxf-spring-boot-starter-jaxws:3.4.5"
compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws:3.4.5'
compile 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-transports-http:3.4.5'
compile ''
compile 'javax.jws:jsr181-api:1.0-MR1'
compile 'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.3.0'
wsdl2java 'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.3.0'
wsdl2java 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-ri:2.3.0'
wsdl2java 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-xjc:2.3.0'
wsdl2java 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-core:2.3.0'
wsdl2java 'com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl:2.3.0'
wsdl2java ''
wsdl2java 'javax.jws:jsr181-api:1.0-MR1'
wsdl2java 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-core:3.4.5'
wsdl2java 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws:3.4.5'
wsdl2java 'org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb:3.4.5'
implementation 'javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:1.3.2'
def wsdl2java = task generateJavaFromWsdl(type: JavaExec) {
String wsdl = 'src/main/resources/wsdl/CarServices.wsdl'
String genSrcDir = "${projectDir}/build/generated-sources/CarServices"
inputs.file wsdl
outputs.dir genSrcDir
classpath configurations.wsdl2java
main ""
args '-encoding', 'UTF-8', '-d', genSrcDir, wsdl
OutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
errorOutput = new OutputStream() {
void write(int b) {System.err.write(b); baos.write(b) }
void flush() { System.err.flush(); baos.flush() }
void close() { System.err.close(); baos.close() }
doLast {
def str = baos.toString()
if (str.contains('Usage : wsdl2java') || str.contains('WSDLToJava Error')) {
throw new TaskExecutionException(tasks[name],
new IOException('Apache CXF WSDLToJava has failed. Please see System.err output.'))
compileJava.dependsOn += wsdl2java = ['src/main/java', 'build/generated-sources/CarServices']
Getting below error while building and NO Java binding classes got created
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.annotation.Resource
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7235
Reputation: 307
Answering my own question as it may help someone else. Below "build.gradle" config works with Java 11.. It creates required Java binding classes along with port class (Interface) also.. Reference links are attached.
buildscript {
repositories {
plugins {
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.6.2'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE'
id 'java'
id "io.mateo.cxf-codegen" version "1.0.0-rc.3"
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'java'
group = 'com.example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = '11'
targetCompatibility = '11'
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'
testImplementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web-services'
implementation 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:3.0.2'
cxfCodegen ""
cxfCodegen "jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5"
implementation 'javax.jws:javax.jws-api:1.1'
cxfCodegen {
wsdl2java {
example {
wsdl = file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/BLZService.wsdl")
outputDir = file("${buildDir}/generated-java")
markGenerated = true
compileJava.dependsOn wsdl2java
test {
Upvotes: 4