Reputation: 1
I'm faced with a problem. I have a text list of thousands of cities and their gps coordinates. The format is:
so an example might be:
Los Angeles,34.11N,118.41W,California
The problem is that I need the long/lat to be in + and - values so the correct entry would be:
Los Angeles,34.11,-118.41,California
So the script would be something like
Find "W" or "S" (west and south get the "-" symbol)
if you find either of those letters within the 2nd or 3rd "," insert a "-" symbol before the first number. (we don't want to affect the words in the 1st or 4th field)
then delete any letter from the long/lat field.
This could be done a zillion ways - excel, .bat file, something else?
If anyone could help with this I'd be very grateful. Thanks
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Views: 1654
Reputation: 67296
Try this Batch file:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist thefile.tmp del thefile.tmp
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=," %%a in (thefile.txt) do (
set longitude=%%b
set sign=!longitude:~-1!
set longitude=!longitude:~0,-1!
if /I !sign! == S set longitude=-!longitude!
set latitude=%%c
set sign=!latitude:~-1!
set latitude=!latitude:~0,-1!
if /I !sign! == W set latitude=-!latitude!
echo %%a,!longitude!,!latitude!,%%d>> thefile.tmp
del thefile.txt
ren thefile.tmp thefile.txt
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 45670
The following formula should get you started:
Using the following as input (Note that you need to convert the "." to "," in excel"):
A2 B2 C2 D2
Los Angeles 34.11N 118,41W California
This is from my swedish version of excel
I think this translates to:
The outcome of this is that cell C2 is converted to -118,41
Excel/open office is great for many things but I always found the text-handling to be extremely awkward... You seem to be open for alternative solutions and my suggestion is that you install python. It looks like you are on windows; here there are two ways to get python:
install python from
install cygwin from and with that python
alternative 2. has the advantage that you will get a compete unix/linux environment on windows!
This is how a (bit verbose) python solution might look; even though perhaps you never seen python before you should be able to understand the code quite easily...
#!/usr/bin/env python
def convert(word):
if 'W' in word or 'S' in word:
word = word.replace('W', "")
word = word.replace('S', "")
word = '-' + word
return word
with open("input") as fd:
for line in fd:
line = line.split(',')
line[1] = convert(line[1])
line[2] = convert(line[2])
print ",".join(line)
Upvotes: 0