Reputation: 1619
Supposing I'm running a Servant webserver, with two endpoints, with a type looking like this:
type BookAPI =
"books" :> Get '[JSON] (Map Text Text)
:<|> "book" :> Capture "Name" Text :> ReqBody '[JSON] (Text) :> Post '[JSON] (Text)
λ:T.putStrLn $ layout (Proxy :: Proxy BookAPI)
├─ book/
│ └─ <capture>/
│ └─•
└─ books/
I might want to use something like Network.Wai.Middleware.Prometheus's instrumentHandlerValue to generate a Prometheus metric that fire's every time this API is called, with a handler value set to the path of the request.
However, if I do something like the following:
prometheusMiddlware = instrumentHandlerValue (T.intercalate "\\" . pathInfo)
This is bad, because different requests to the book/<Name>
endpoint, such as book/great-expectations
and book/vanity-fair
result in different labels, this is fine if the number of books is small, but if it's very large then the amount of data used by these metrics is very big, and either my service falls over, or my monitoring bill becomes very large.
I'd quite like a function, that took a Servant API, and a Wai Request, and if it matched, returned a list of segments in a form that was the same for each endpoint.
That is requests to /books
would return Just ["books"]
, requests to /book/little-dorrit
would return Just ["book", "Name"]
, and requests to /films
would return Nothing
I can kind of see how you might go about writing this by pattern matching on Router'
from Servant.Server.Internal.Router, but it's not clear to me that relying on an internal package in order to do this is a good idea.
Is there a better way?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 174
Reputation: 27771
The pathInfo
function returns all the path segments for a Request
. Perhaps we could define a typeclass that, given a Servant API, produced a "parser" for the list of segments, whose result would be a formatted version of the list.
The parser type could be something like:
import Data.Text
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Applicative
type PathParser = StateT ([Text],[Text]) Maybe ()
Where the first [Text]
in the state are the path segments yet to be parsed, and the second are the formatted path segments we have accumulated so far.
This type has an Alternative
instance where failure discards state (basically backtracking) and a MonadFail
instance that returns mzero
on pattern-match failure inside do
The typeclass:
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Data ( Proxy )
import GHC.TypeLits
class HasPathParser (x :: k) where
pathParser :: Proxy x -> PathParser
The instance for Symbol
moves the path piece from the pending list to the processed list:
instance KnownSymbol piece => HasPathParser (piece :: Symbol) where
pathParser _ = do
(piece : rest, found) <- get -- we are using MonadFail here
guard (piece == Data.Text.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @piece)))
put (rest, piece : found)
The instance for Capture
puts the name of the path variable—not the value—on the processed list:
instance KnownSymbol name => HasPathParser (Capture name x) where
pathParser _ = do
(_ : rest, found) <- get -- we are using MonadFail here
put (rest, Data.Text.pack (symbolVal (Proxy @name)) : found)
When we reach a Verb
...) we require that no pending path pieces should remain:
instance HasPathParser (Verb method statusCode contextTypes a) where
pathParser _ = do
([], found) <- get -- we are using MonadFail here
put ([], found)
Some other instances:
instance HasPathParser (ReqBody x y) where
pathParser _ = pure ()
instance (HasPathParser a, HasPathParser b) => HasPathParser (a :> b) where
pathParser _ = pathParser (Proxy @a) *> pathParser (Proxy @b)
instance (HasPathParser a, HasPathParser b) => HasPathParser (a :<|> b) where
pathParser _ = pathParser (Proxy @a) <|> pathParser (Proxy @b)
Putting it to work:
main :: IO ()
main = do
do let Just ([], result) = execStateT (pathParser (Proxy @BookAPI)) (["books"],[])
print result
-- ["books"]
do let Just ([], result) = execStateT (pathParser (Proxy @BookAPI)) (["book", "somebookid"],[])
print result
-- ["Name","book"]
Upvotes: 2