Reputation: 301
I'm using Google maps in my application. The app shows POI markers on the map and load data from my BE when the mapview is dragged by certain distance. I want to pass the shoudlRefresh
value back to ContentView and ask user to refresh the data again.
I've used @Binding to pass data between my ContentView and UIViewRepresentable but i cannot use this @Binding var shouldRefresh
inside maps delegate through Coordinator.
If i try to pass this @Binding var to coordinator through coordinator init()
, I'm getting these two error
at POINT A -> Property 'self.mShouldRefresh' not initialized at implicitly generated super.init call
at POINT B -> self' used in property access 'mShouldRefresh' before 'super.init' call
Only relevant code:
struct MapsView: UIViewRepresentable {
@Binding var shouldRefresh: Bool
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> GMSMapView
func updateUIView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, context: Context)
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
Coordinator(owner: self, refresh: $shouldRefresh)
class Coordinator: NSObject, GMSMapViewDelegate {
let owner: MapsView
@Binding var mShouldRefresh: Binding<Bool>
var startPoint : CLLocationCoordinate2D?
var startRadius : Double?
init(owner: MapsView, refresh: Binding<Bool>) { // POINT A
self.owner = owner
self.mShouldRefresh = refresh // POINT B
func mapView(_ mapView: GMSMapView, idleAt position: GMSCameraPosition) { }
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1527
Reputation: 19014
You have given double binding to mShouldRefresh
Just change to
@Binding var mShouldRefresh: Bool
and inside the init change this
self._mShouldRefresh = refresh
Another way is
// Other Code
var owner: MapsView
var mShouldRefresh: Binding<Bool>
init(owner: MapsView, refresh: Binding<Bool>) {
self.owner = owner
self.mShouldRefresh = refresh
// Other Code
Upvotes: 1