Reputation: 11
I need to write a function, that would throw me most frequent term in list. Eg:
uniq([a, [a,b], [a,b,c]]) -> a
How can it be done recursive way using Erlang?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 118
Reputation: 1782
How about this....
max_frequency(Values) ->
CounterMap = build_counter_map(#{}, lists:flatten(Values)),
key_with_max_value(maps:next(maps:iterator(CounterMap)), -1, none).
key_with_max_value (none, _, MaxVal) -> MaxVal;
key_with_max_value ({_Key, Value, Iterator}, CurrentMax, MaxVal) when CurrentMax > Value ->
key_with_max_value(maps:next(Iterator), CurrentMax, MaxVal);
key_with_max_value ({Key, Value, Iterator}, _CurrentMax, _MaxVal) ->
key_with_max_value(maps:next(Iterator), Value, Key).
build_counter_map(CounterMap, []) -> CounterMap;
build_counter_map(CounterMap, [Key|RestOfValues]) ->
Default = a_special_default_value,
case maps:get(Key, CounterMap, Default) of
Default ->
build_counter_map(maps:put(Key, 1, CounterMap), RestOfValues);
Value ->
build_counter_map(maps:put(Key, (Value + 1), CounterMap), RestOfValues)
Upvotes: 1