Reputation: 11
Ieed to select a sublist from the list, from K to N indexes.
?- sublist(2, 5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], Res)
Res = [2, 3, 4, 5]
Upvotes: 1
Views: 252
Reputation: 4456
sublist(StartPos, EndPos, Lst, SubLst) :-
% Check for sensible inputs
must_be(integer, StartPos),
must_be(integer, EndPos),
StartPos >= 1,
EndPos >= StartPos,
% Loop through the list
sublist_(Lst, StartPos, EndPos, 1, SubLst).
sublist_(Lst, StartPos, EndPos, StartPos, SubLst) :-
% At start of sublist
sublist_within_(Lst, StartPos, EndPos, StartPos, SubLst).
sublist_(Lst, StartPos, EndPos, Pos, SubLst) :-
% Otherwise, is before the start of the sublist
Pos1 is Pos + 1,
% Don't care about the current element in the list
Lst = [_|Tail],
sublist_(Tail, StartPos, EndPos, Pos1, SubLst).
sublist_within_(Lst, StartPos, EndPos, Pos, SoFar) :-
Pos < EndPos,
% Within the sublist
Pos1 is Pos + 1,
% Remember the current element in the list (in the correct order)
Lst = [Head|Tail],
SoFar = [Head|SubLst],
sublist_within_(Tail, StartPos, EndPos, Pos1, SubLst).
% End of the sublist - instantiate the end of SubLst
sublist_within_([Head|_], _StartPos, EndPos, EndPos, [Head]).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- time(sublist(2, 5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], Res)).
% 17 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (91% CPU, 514388 Lips)
Res = [2,3,4,5].
A smaller but slower alternative is:
sublist_slow(StartPos, EndPos, Lst, SubLst) :-
succ(BeforeLen, StartPos),
SubLstLen is EndPos - StartPos + 1,
length(BeforeLst, BeforeLen),
length(SubLst, SubLstLen),
% append is slow because it needs to iterate through the entire list
append([BeforeLst, SubLst, _AfterLst], Lst),
% Don't look for other potentials for _AfterLst
But the "append" method has the disadvantage of having to iterate through the rest of the list, whereas the first method can stop at the end of SubLst - performance comparison:
test_sublists :-
numlist(1, 1000000, NL),
time(sublist(2, 5, NL, _)),
time(sublist_slow(2, 5, NL, _)).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- test_sublists.
% 17 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.000 seconds (90% CPU, 460256 Lips)
% 2,000,015 inferences, 0.249 CPU in 0.247 seconds (101% CPU, 8016137 Lips)
gusbro's method is in the middle, performance-wise:
test_sublists2 :-
numlist(1, 1000000, NL),
I = 100000,
time(sublist(I, I, NL, _)),
time(sublist_gusbro(I, I, NL, _)),
time(sublist_slow(I, I, NL, _)).
Performance result:
?- test_sublists2.
% 100,009 inferences, 0.011 CPU in 0.011 seconds (100% CPU, 8970530 Lips)
% 200,009 inferences, 0.015 CPU in 0.015 seconds (100% CPU, 13718721 Lips)
% 1,900,020 inferences, 0.198 CPU in 0.196 seconds (101% CPU, 9585032 Lips)
Here is a variant of Evgeny's code, with improved performance and termination:
sublist_evgeny(St, En, [_ | T], SubT) :-
St > 1, !,
% Move closer to the start element
St0 is St - 1,
En0 is En - 1,
sublist_evgeny(St0, En0, T, SubT).
sublist_evgeny(1, 0, _, SL) :-
% Finished - the remaining sublist will be empty
SL = [].
sublist_evgeny(1, En, [H | T], [H | SubT]) :-
% Populate the sublist
En0 is En - 1,
sublist_evgeny(1, En0, T, SubT).
Performance is great:
% 200,001 inferences, 0.010 CPU in 0.010 seconds (100% CPU, 19344211 Lips)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3274
Here is solution without any library functions:
sublist(1, 0, _, []).
sublist(A, B, [H | T], [H | SubT]) :-
A = 1,
B1 is B - 1,
sublist(A, B1, T, SubT).
sublist(A, B, [_ | T], SubT) :-
A > 1,
A1 is A - 1,
B1 is B - 1,
sublist(A1, B1, T, SubT).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 22585
Given both integers K
and N
, you may use length/2
and append/3
sublist(K, N, L, SL):-
N >= K,
length(L1, N), % L1 is a list with N elements
length([_|L2], K), % and L2 has K-1 elements.
append(L2, SL, L1), % Therefore SL has the last N-K+1 elements of L1
append(L1, _, L). % and L starts with L1 and may have some other elements after
Sample run:
?- sublist(2, 5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], Res).
Res = [2, 3, 4, 5].
Upvotes: 2