Reputation: 2913
I have wanted to set up authentication using Firebase. I have this auth repository that has this method that gets the current user.
Stream<User?> get user => _firebaseAuth.userChanges();
Inside my bloc, I Have this constructor.
class AuthBloc extends Bloc<AuthEvent, AuthState> {
final AuthRepository _authRepository;
late StreamSubscription<User?> _authSubscription;
AuthBloc(AuthRepository authRepository)
: _authRepository = authRepository,
super(const AuthState.initial()) {
void _onUserChanged(AuthStarted event, Emitter<AuthState> emit) {
_authSubscription = _authRepository.user.listen((user) async {
if (user != null) {
} else {
const AuthState.unauthenticated();
When my app starts, I'm calling this on my main class.
create: (context) => AuthBloc(<AuthRepository>())
..add(const AuthEvent.started()),
This is how my state looks like
part of 'auth_bloc.dart';
class AuthState with _$AuthState {
const factory AuthState.initial() = _initial;
const factory AuthState.authenticated(User user) = _Authenticated;
const factory AuthState.unauthenticated() = _Unauthenticated;
Now I have this on my UI depending on the state of my app. I want to render different views.
return state.when(
initial: () => _buildInitial(context),
authenticated: (user) => _buildAuthenticated(),
unauthenticated: () => _buildUnauthenticated(),
I'm getting the following error on my bloc.
This line right here is triggering the error.
I'm using the freezed package to generate Union, and using Bloc 8.0.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2727
Reputation: 154
I have a solution/workaround for this case.
Let's make an (for example) AuthEvent.onUserDataUpdated(User) event, in the stream listener you have to call add() with this event and create a handler for it (on<...>(...)) to emit new AuthState.
Upvotes: 8