Reputation: 47417
I've got a few different cards in my app, and I'm trying to activate one of my sub cards from my homepage screen.
Here is the pertinent information.
id: 'Ext-setup',
onReady: function () {
rpc.main = {
init: function () {
var rootPanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
id: 'rpc-rootPanel',
fullscreen: true,
layout: 'card',
region: 'center',
items: [
rpc.controllers.HomeController = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'rpc-controllers-homecontroller',
layout: 'card',
items: [rpc.views.Home.index],
listeners: {
activate: function () {
if (rpc.stores.HomeStore.getCount() === 0) {
// This store uses the rpc.templates.AboutDetails XTemplate
Home Index View
rpc.views.Home.index = new Ext.DataView({
id: 'rpc-views-home-index',
itemSelector: 'div.home-index',
tpl: rpc.templates.AboutDetails,
store: rpc.stores.HomeStore,
fullscreen: true,
Vimeo Controller
rpc.controllers.VimeoController = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'rpc-controllers-VimeoController',
layout: 'card',
fullscreen: true,
items: [rpc.views.Vimeo.index,
Vimeo Index View
rpc.views.Vimeo.index = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'rpc-views-Vimeo-index',
layout: 'fit',
dockedItems: [{xtype: 'toolbar', title: 'Videos'}]
// stuff left out to keep it clean
The Template I'm using to try and activate the card This is where you'll see the javascript call javascript:goToCard();
rpc.templates.AboutDetails = new Ext.XTemplate(
' <tpl for=".">',
' <div class="padded">',
' <div class="rounded-div">',
' <h1>RockPointe Church</h1>',
' <span class="rpc-sub">One church meeting in multiple locations.</span>',
' </div>',
' <div>',
' <div id="quick-nav">',
' <ul>',
' <li><span onclick="javascript:goToCard(\'rpc-controllers-VimeoController\',\'rpc-views-Vimeo-index\');">Videos</span></li>',
' <li><span onclick="javascript:goToCard()">Events</span></li>',
' <li><span onclick="javascript:goToCard()">Sites</span></li>',
' </ul>',
' <br clear="left">',
' </div>',
' </tpl>'
And finally, the goToCard();
function goToCard(panelId, cardId) {
The problem is simple... nothing happens when I click on the
<span onclick="javascript:goToCard(\'rpc-controllers-VimeoController\',\'rpc-views-Vimeo-index\');">Videos</span>
If I run the code directly in my console
I get the following output.
additionalCls: Array[0]
autoRender: true
body: El.Ext.Element.Ext.extend.constructor
cardSwitchAnimation: "slide"
componentCls: "x-panel"
componentLayout: subclass
container: El.Ext.Element.Ext.extend.constructor
dockedItems: Ext.util.MixedCollection
el: El.Ext.Element.Ext.extend.constructor
events: Object
fullscreen: true
getTargetEl: function () {
height: 306
hidden: true
hiddenOwnerCt: false
iconCls: "tv"
id: "rpc-controllers-VimeoController"
initialConfig: Object
items: Ext.util.MixedCollection
layout: subclass
layoutOnShow: Ext.util.MixedCollection
monitorOrientation: true
mons: Array[0]
needsLayout: false
originalGetTargetEl: function () {
ownerCt: subclass
renderData: Object
renderSelectors: Object
renderTo: null
rendered: true
scroll: "vertical"
scrollEl: El.Ext.Element.Ext.extend.constructor
scroller: Ext.util.Scroller.Ext.extend.constructor
tab: subclass
title: "Video"
width: 798
proto: F
But nothing actually happens :-(
Basically, I don't get an error, nor does the appropriate view load.
I also tried
But the response was even less...
If I just run
I can see the 'rpc-views-Vimeo-index'
ID within the items array.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2245
Reputation: 2811
This is because your whole application structure is fairly bizarre. You're creating panels and calling them controllers for some reason and then nesting these panels.
All that aside-- the reason you're not seeing anything is because while you are setting the active item on the 'rpc-controllers-VimeoController' panel you never tell it to change the active item of the panel being displayed-- which from the looks of your nesting madness is 'rpc-rootPanel'. So you'd need to set the active item of 'rpc-rootPanel' to your 'rpc-controllers-VimeoController' and then set the active item of 'rpc-controllers-VimeoController' to rpc-views-Vimeo-index. /facepalm
Despite the bad design practices to answer your question you can most likely just do this:
function goToCard(panelId, cardId) {
You'll need to have some if-thens in there to check what panelId your link is for and set the root panel active item accordingly. The above is specific for your referenced link...
Upvotes: 2