Reputation: 1
I am new to API connect development, trying to code a XSLT in API connect reserved instance version 10. I have sample input and XSLT, but getting error while doing the same.
Request: Below is the sample SOAP request used as input.
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<n0:Z_V_PGIResponse xmlns:n0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
<MESSAGE>Delivery not found.</MESSAGE>
<MESSAGE>Delivery not found-2.</MESSAGE>
XSLT code: Below is the XSLT used in which I tried APIM and APIGW fucntions to use in v10 RI
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:dp="" xmlns:func="" xmlns:n0="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:apimgw="" extension-element-prefixes="dp func apim">
<!-- Contains the APIM functions -->
<xsl:import href="local:///isp/policy/apimgw.custom.xsl"/>
<xsl:include href="store:///dp/apigw.custom.xsl"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<!--<xsl:variable name="input" select="apim:payloadRead()"/>-->
<xsl:variable name="currentPayload" select="apigw:read-payload('message')" />
<xsl:for-each select="$currentPayload/soap-env:Envelope/soap-env:Body/n0:Z_V_PGIResponse/RETURN/item">
<xsl:value-of select="PGIDAT"/>
<xsl:value-of select="MESSAGE"/>
"errName": "TransformError",
"errMsg": "Failed to execute a stylesheet"
I had gone through couple of IBM documentation but not getting desired output, which is bit confusing as the one counters the other.
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Views: 628
Reputation: 31
if that example stylesheet is a complete one, you are missing a closing tag for template.
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
extension-element-prefixes="dp func apim">
<!-- Contains the APIM functions -->
<xsl:import href="local:///isp/policy/apimgw.custom.xsl" />
<xsl:include href="store:///dp/apigw.custom.xsl" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<!--<xsl:variable name="input" select="apim:payloadRead()"/> -->
<xsl:variable name="currentPayload"
select="apigw:read-payload('message')" />
<xsl:value-of select="PGIDAT" />
<xsl:value-of select="MESSAGE" />
Upvotes: 2