Reputation: 359
This pertains to Patrick Collins' "Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial" on youtube.
specifically, I'm getting the following error when running my program on the Rinkeby testnet on Infura.
HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:
I performed the following checks as suggested by some:
Checked Private Key. It's exactly what's on my Metamask wallet.
My .env looks as follows:
export PRIVATE_KEY=0xf77f98d99d11d5d70aa230770e478aa68b4d0fbf058def08d56909373f46b4c5
export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=c2cdf41913e344bc94720dc8244950eb
brownie-config.yaml looks like this:
dotenv: .env
from_key: ${PRIVATE_KEY}
I tried opening a new project(s) on and added a new project ID to the .env but it didn't help.
The program runs fine on ganache-cli (using command: brownie run scripts/
) but not on the Rinkeby testnet (command: brownie run scripts/ --network rinkeby
The program ran as expected yesterday as is, but not today. Internet connection is good. The full error message is as follows:
PS C:\Users\z640\demos\brownie_simple_storage> brownie run scripts/ --network rinkeby
INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).
Brownie v1.16.4 - Python development framework for Ethereum
BrownieSimpleStorageProject is the active project.
Running 'scripts\'...
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\brownie\_cli\", line 49, in main
return_value, frame = run(
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\brownie\project\", line 103, in run
return_value = f_locals[method_name](*args, **kwargs)
File ".\scripts\", line 66, in main
File ".\scripts\", line 49, in deploy_simple_storage
simple_storage = SimpleStorage.deploy(
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\brownie\network\", line 600, in __call__
return tx["from"].deploy(
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\brownie\network\", line 508, in deploy
receipt, exc = self._make_transaction(
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\brownie\network\", line 718, in _make_transaction
gas_price, gas_strategy, gas_iter = self._gas_price(gas_price)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\brownie\network\", line 454, in _gas_price
return web3.eth.generate_gas_price(), None, None
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\", line 846, in generate_gas_price
return self._generate_gas_price(transaction_params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\", line 155, in _generate_gas_price
return self.gasPriceStrategy(self.web3, transaction_params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\gas_strategies\", line 20, in rpc_gas_price_strategy
return web3.manager.request_blocking(RPC.eth_gasPrice, [])
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\", line 186, in request_blocking
response = self._make_request(method, params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\", line 147, in _make_request
return request_func(method, params)
File "cytoolz\functoolz.pyx", line 250, in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 76, in apply_formatters
response = make_request(method, params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 90, in middleware
return make_request(method, params)
File "cytoolz\functoolz.pyx", line 250, in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 76, in apply_formatters
response = make_request(method, params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 33, in middleware
response = make_request(method, params)
File "cytoolz\functoolz.pyx", line 250, in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 76, in apply_formatters
response = make_request(method, params)
File "cytoolz\functoolz.pyx", line 250, in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 76, in apply_formatters
response = make_request(method, params)
File "cytoolz\functoolz.pyx", line 250, in cytoolz.functoolz.curry.__call__
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 76, in apply_formatters
response = make_request(method, params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 40, in middleware
return make_request(method, params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\middleware\", line 105, in middleware
return make_request(method, params)
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\providers\", line 88, in make_request
raw_response = make_post_request(
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\web3\_utils\", line 49, in make_post_request
File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 953, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1054
Reputation: 49749
This is a configuration error:
make sure you verified your infura account so u can use the api key.
make sure you used exact api key.
make sure you saved all the files before run the command
make sure metamask connected to rinkeby and has test eth
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 359
I think I fixed the problem ( although i don't understand the mechanics of it).
I created a new Infura Project
Copied the new Project ID to the appropriate location on the .env file
I CLOSED THE TERMINAL and ran the brownie run scripts/ --network rinkeby
command on a new terminal. This is embarrassing... it took me 2 days to figure this out :(
Upvotes: 1