
Reputation: 175

plotting the total monthly amount of rain from a daily data file with gnuplot

I've got a data file with daily values for the amount of rain in the 4th column, for each day of the year. I'd like to plot a bar graph with each month in the x-axis, and the total monthly amount of rain in the y-axis: that is, to plot "January" (with %B or %b format) vs the sum of the 31 first values of the 4th column. Then to plot "February" vs the sum of the next 28 values of the 4th column, and so on. Do you know how to do that with gnuplot ? Besides, is it possible to write the numerical value of the monthly amounts of rain, on top of each bar ?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 184

Answers (1)


Reputation: 26200

I can imagine and understand that for a gnuplot beginner it will not be easy to find and combine the necessary commands to realize your task. If you do a search you will most probably not find exactly your case, but there should be very similar questions and examples around. The key search would be "creating a histogram".

Check help smooth frequency, help strftime, help strptime, help datablocks, help table, basically for every command or keyword there should be a help entry.

The following example is one way to achieve what you are asking for. It is basically binning data, like creating a histogram. Here, your bins will be the months in the following numerical format, e.g. 202109, 202110, 202111, 202112, 202201, etc.

In the example below, some random test data (mm of rain per day) will be created in order to illustrate the result with a graph. Example data in $Data:

2021-12-01 66
2021-12-02 0
2021-12-03 0
2021-12-04 17
2021-12-05 52

Plot your data into a datablock $Monthly using the option smooth frequency. It will sum up all values per month. The result in $Monthly will be something like this:

202107  368
202108  622
202109  557
202110  361
202111  628

I hope you can adapt the script to your data and needs.

Edit: the previous version of the code used the plotting style with boxes for the monthly plot. However, this style is centering the box at the beginning of the month, which is undesired here (especially when plotting together with the daily rain). The modified code is using the plotting style with boxxyerror which plots the boxes from the beginning of the month to the beginning of the next month. Check help boxes and help boxxyerror.


### sum up daily rainfall per month
reset session

fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"   # time format
day = 86400        # 1 day = 86400 secs

# create some random test data
set print $Data
    t0 = strptime(fmt,"2021-01-01")
    do for [i=0:364] {
        print sprintf("%s %.0f", strftime(fmt,t0+i*day), int(rand(0)+0.2)*rand(0)*100)
set print

set table $Monthly
    plot $Data u (int(strftime("%Y%m",timecolumn(1,fmt)))):2 smooth freq
unset table

set format x "%Y\n%b" timedate
set key out top center
set xrange noextend
set offset graph 0.01, graph 0.01, graph 0.01, 0
set grid x,y
set xtics out

NextMonth(t) = strptime("%Y%m",sprintf("%04d%02d",tm_year(t),tm_mon(t)+2))

set multiplot layout 2,1

    set style fill solid 1.0 noborder
    plot $Data u (t0=timecolumn(1,fmt)):2:(t0):(t0+day):(0):2 \
         w boxxy lc "blue" title "Daily rain / mm"

    set style fill solid 0.3 border
    set xrange[GPVAL_X_MIN:GPVAL_X_MAX]   # set same xrange as previous plot
    plot $Monthly u (t0=timecolumn(1,"%Y%m")):2:(t0):(NextMonth(t0)):(0):2 \
         w boxxy lc "blue" title "Monthly rain / mm"

unset multiplot
### end of script


enter image description here

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