Reputation: 7
I'm want to use paginate in laravel but didn't work perfectly. When i paginate the filtered data it worked fine, but only for the first page.The problem is when i moved to the second page, it will display the second page of all data not the filtered data. i want it so the second page will display the second page of filtered data
in blade.php I'm using links to call the paginate(for moving page)
<div class="paginate">
{{ $data->links() }}
Here's the filter controller
function filter(Request $request){
$data = profiles::when($request->has('pNamaLengkap'), function($query) use ($request){
if($request->pJobDescription != 'All'){
$data = $data->where('pJobDescription','like','%'.$request->pJobDescription.'%');
if($request->pUnitKerja != 'All'){
$data = $data->where('pUnitKerja','like','%'.$request->pUnitKerja.'%');
if($request->pDirectorate != 'All'){
$data = $data->where('pDirectorate','like','%'.$request->pDirectorate.'%');
if($request->pRank != 'All'){
$data = $data->where('pRank','like','%'.$request->pRank.'%');
return view('export', [
'data' => $data->paginate(5),
'jobdescription' => jobdes::all(),
'unitkerja' => unitkerja::all(),
'direktorat' => direktorat::all(),
'rank' => rank::all(),
'oldjob' => $request->pJobDescription,
'oldunit' => $request->pUnitKerja,
'olddir' => $request->pDirectorate,
'oldrank' => $request->pRank,
'oldname' => $request->pNamaLengkap
// return redirect('export')->with([
// 'data' => $data,
// 'jobdescription' => jobdes::all(),
// 'unitkerja' => unitkerja::all(),
// 'direktorat' => direktorat::all()
// ]);
I'll make an example from a picture
Filtered JobDescription Page 1
Page 2 that reset the filter and display all data
in the URL parameter it change it from
for extra note, the paginate is working but just didn't work when you want to view the second page because somehow it reset the input filter
Thank you for reading this page, i really need help in this one
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2434
Reputation: 1217
For lower versions of Laravel, you can use this:
{!! str_replace('/?', '?', $data->appends(Input::except('page'))->render()) !!}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 45
another solution is replacing
{{ $data->links() }}
to the
{{ $data->appends(Request::except('page'))->links() }}
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 46
use withQueryStrings() method with paginated data.
Upvotes: 3