Reputation: 509
I was getting the error while I was trying to build an app bundle of a flutter app in a release mode but while I run the command flutter build appbundle, this error just showed up.
💪 Building with sound null safety 💪
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '<PROJECT_DIR>\android\app\build.gradle' line: 36
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (build_djjv0udzo4jemkigdf7i4cm25$_run_closure2) values: [build_djjv0udzo4jemkigdf7i4cm25$_run_closure2@736f31fd]
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Running Gradle task 'bundleRelease'... 4.5s
Gradle task bundleRelease failed with exit code 1
And here is error part of android/app/build.gradle file.
android {
compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'
defaultConfig {
// TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion XX
targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion
versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
versionName flutterVersionName
signingConfigs {
keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']): null
storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
After trying a lot and following many articles I was not able to solve it. here are some of the similar problems which I checked.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 660
Reputation: 509
I haven't found any right documentation to explain the issue but what I tried is commenting that only the android block and I found the issue only in these codes,
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'
After commenting these lines I solved the issue of creating the app bundle of a flutter app.
Here is the output
flutter build appbundle
Running "flutter pub get" in app... Xms
💪 Building with sound null safety 💪
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Removed unused resources: Binary resource data reduced from XKB to XKB: Removed X%
Running Gradle task 'bundleRelease'... Xs
✓ Built build\app\outputs\bundle\release\app-release.aab (X.XMB).
I think this would help someone : )
Upvotes: 1