Reputation: 153102
I'd like to have a type class that tells me how big various types are.
data Cardinality = Finite Natural | Infinite
class Sized a where cardinality :: Cardinality
It's pretty straightforward to write instances; for example:
instance Sized Void where cardinality = Finite 0
instance Sized () where cardinality = Finite 1
instance Sized Bool where cardinality = Finite 2
instance Sized a => Sized [a] where
cardinality = case cardinality @a of
Finite 0 -> Finite 1
_ -> Infinite
data X = X Y
data Y = Y X X
instance Sized X where cardinality = Finite 1
instance Sized Y where cardinality = Finite 1
In fact, it's so straightforward, it feels like it ought to be automatable. Perhaps generic programming will help?
class GSized f where gcardinality :: Cardinality
class Sized a where
cardinality :: Cardinality
default cardinality :: (Generic a, GSized (Rep a)) => Cardinality
cardinality = gcardinality @(Rep a)
Most of the instances are pretty straightforward:
instance GSized V1 where gcardinality = Finite 0
instance GSized U1 where gcardinality = Finite 1
instance GSized f => GSized (M1 i c f) where gcardinality = gcardinality @f
instance (GSized f, GSized g) => GSized (f :+: g) where
gcardinality = case (gcardinality @f, gcardinality @g) of
(Finite n, Finite n') -> Finite (n+n')
_ -> Infinite
instance (GSized f, GSized g) => GSized (f :*: g) where
gcardinality = case (gcardinality @f, gcardinality @g) of
(Finite 0, _) -> Finite 0
(_, Finite 0) -> Finite 0
(Finite n, Finite n') -> Finite (n*n')
_ -> Infinite
But then I get stuck. The straightforward thing for individual fields certainly doesn't work:
instance Sized c => GSized (K1 i c) where
gcardinality = cardinality @c
For recursive types, this is a very straightforward infinite loop. I've tried a variety of means of enriching the two classes involved here.
and gcardinality
to be functions, so that I could assume I already knew the size of recursive occurrences. Then in the K1
instance I could ask: if all your recursive instances were uninhabited, how big would you be? What if all your recursive instances had one inhabitant? And so on.x = a + bx
. The intended meaning of x = a + bx
is that the type x
has a
inhabitants that don't involve recursion at all, and b
values that can be paired up with a recursive call. (We can define x*x = x
without losing anything of interest.) Then equations like x = n + 0x
correspond to enumerations, x = 0 + x
correspond to trivial 1-element recursive types, and x = a + bx
are infinite.Generic1
instead of Generic
.None of these ended up working well. There seem to be three core, hard problems/failure modes:
definition for recursive types, or it works okay for recursive types but falls over for mutually recursive types.K1
is used both for recursive occurrences and plain fields, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to distinguish between these.Finite 0
instead of Finite 1
for trivially recursive types.Is there an approach that solves these problems? Where the generic instances for [Void]
, [()]
, X
, and Y
from above are all defined and correct?
Upvotes: 13
Views: 384
Reputation: 120731
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, TypeFamilies, ScopedTypeVariables, UnicodeSyntax
, TypeApplications, AllowAmbiguousTypes
, DataKinds, PolyKinds, DefaultSignatures
, FlexibleInstances, DeriveAnyClass #-}
import GHC.Generics
import Numeric.Natural
import Data.Void
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
data Cardinality = Finite Natural | Infinite
deriving (Show)
instance Sized Void where cardinalityIC _ = Finite 0
instance Sized () where cardinalityIC _ = Finite 1
instance Sized Bool where cardinalityIC _ = Finite 2
instance Sized a => Sized [a] where
cardinalityIC rctxt = case cardinalityIC @a rctxt of
Finite 0 -> Finite 1
_ -> Infinite
data TypeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier
{ typeName, moduleName, packageName :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
class GSized f where gcardinalityIC :: [TypeIdentifier] -> Cardinality
class Sized a where
cardinalityIC :: [TypeIdentifier] -> Cardinality
default cardinalityIC :: (Generic a, GSized (Rep a))
=> [TypeIdentifier] -> Cardinality
cardinalityIC = gcardinalityIC @(Rep a)
cardinality :: ∀ a . Sized a => Cardinality
cardinality = cardinalityIC @a []
instance GSized V1 where gcardinalityIC _ = Finite 0
instance GSized U1 where gcardinalityIC _ = Finite 1
instance GSized f => GSized (M1 C c f) where gcardinalityIC = gcardinalityIC @f
instance GSized f => GSized (M1 S c f) where gcardinalityIC = gcardinalityIC @f
instance (GSized f, KnownSymbol tn, KnownSymbol mn, KnownSymbol pn)
=> GSized (D1 ('MetaData tn mn pn nt) f) where
gcardinalityIC rctxt
| thisType`elem`rctxt = Infinite
| otherwise = gcardinalityIC @f $ thisType : rctxt
where thisType = TypeIdentifier
(symbolVal $ Proxy @tn)
(symbolVal $ Proxy @mn)
(symbolVal $ Proxy @pn)
moduleName = symbolVal $ Proxy @tn
instance (GSized f, GSized g) => GSized (f :+: g) where
gcardinalityIC rctxt = case (gcardinalityIC @f rctxt, gcardinalityIC @g rctxt) of
(Finite n, Finite n') -> Finite (n+n')
_ -> Infinite
instance (GSized f, GSized g) => GSized (f :*: g) where
gcardinalityIC rctxt = case (gcardinalityIC @f rctxt, gcardinalityIC @g rctxt) of
(Finite 0, _) -> Finite 0
(_, Finite 0) -> Finite 0
(Finite n, Finite n') -> Finite (n*n')
_ -> Infinite
instance Sized c => GSized (K1 i c) where
gcardinalityIC = cardinalityIC @c
data Foo = F0 Bool | F1 Bool
deriving (Generic, Sized)
data Bar = B0 Bool | B1 Bar
deriving (Generic, Sized)
data Never = Never Never
deriving (Generic, Sized)
ghci> cardinality @Foo
Finite 4
ghci> cardinality @Bar
ghci> cardinality @Never
As Li-yao Xia remarks, the last one doesn't really make sense, as never Never
has no NF non-⊥ values. Not sure if there's a good way to take that into account.
Upvotes: 3