I have Excel 365 on MAC.
I want to convert "weight unit" in another "weight unit". =CONVERT(number; from_unit; to_unit)
Why is 1 ton = 907kg ? This should be 1000kg
Amount Unit Amount Unit
1 ton => 907,18474 kg
1 kg => 1000 g
1 g => 1000 mg
What is the correct way to convert?
Thanks, Aykut
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Views: 2447
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My solution to the problem:
Works just fine.
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Excel function did not work for unit conversion from tons (metric) to other weight units.
Excel out of the box function:
=Convert(value; from_unit; to_unit)
I would like to share my (workaround) solution with the same attributes as Excel:
=myConvert(value; from_unit; to_unit)
Public Function myConvert(value As Variant, f_unit As String, to_unit As String) As Variant
Dim conversion As String
Dim position As Integer
Dim unit_array As Variant
unit_array = Array( _
"mg_mg", "mg_g", "mg_kg", "mg_t", _
"g_mg", "g_g", "g_kg", "g_t", _
"kg_mg", "kg_g", "kg_kg", "kg_t", _
"t_mg", "t_g", "t_kg", "t_t" _
Dim formula_array As Variant
formula_array = Array( _
"", "/ 1000", "/ 1000000", "/ 1000000000", _
"* 1000", "", "/ 1000", "/ 1000000", _
"* 1000000", "* 1000", "", " / 1000", _
"* 1000000000", "* 1000000", "* 1000", "" _
conversion = f_unit & "_" & to_unit
position = array_pos(unit_array, conversion)
value = Replace(value, ",", ".")
If (IsNumeric(value) = False) Then
myConvert = "not a number"
Exit Function
ElseIf (position < 0) Then
myConvert = "unknown unit"
Exit Function
End If
myConvert = Evaluate(value & " " & formula_array(position))
End Function
Function array_pos(my_array, my_value)
array_pos = -1
For ii = LBound(my_array) To UBound(my_array)
If my_array(ii) = my_value Then 'value found
array_pos = ii
Exit For
End If
End Function
Here is the test result:
1 t = 1 t
1 t = 1000 kg
1 t = 1000000 g
1 t = 1000000000 mg
1 kg = 0,001 t
1 g = 0,000001 t
1 mg = 0,000000001 t
1 t = unknown unit x because x as unit is unknown
y t = not a number kg because y is not a number
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Reputation: 38
In Britannica encyclopedia defined ton: ton, a unit of weight in the avoirdupois system equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18 kg) in the United States (the short ton) and 2,240 pounds (1,016.05 kg) in Britain (the long ton). The metric ton used in most other countries is 1,000 kg, equivalent to 2,204.6 pounds avoirdupois.
Microsoft Excel just support "ton" and "uk_ton"
Upvotes: 1