Reputation: 45
I have a dataset the has 10 different groups and sales for 3 weeks in a year. I am trying to run a clustering algorithm that clusters each of the groups based on how many items are present in each group. Basically, I want to treat each group differently.
I tried a manual approach and set the clusters of each group relative to the group with the highest number of items but I want to make the code find the optimal k for the kmeans for each group. I am not sure how to determine the best k for each of the groups
Here is the data:
items_scaled =
100001 Books 0.022556 0.020326 0.020556
100002 Books 0.023756 0.080306 0.020656
100003 Candles 0.022966 0.020178 0.020291
100004 Shoes 0.021067 0.020485 0.019420
100005 Candles 0.020403 0.021067 0.020556
100006 Shoes 0.023634 0.026219 0.029357
100007 Books 0.022472 0.017218 0.016454
100008 Pens 0.023670 0.027971 0.029763
100009 Pens 0.037894 0.026664 0.031777
100010 Shoes 0.015929 0.015205 0.015446
Here is my trial on how to find the best k but the runtime really high. At this rate, it might take a day or more to run. I am working with 3500 rows of data. Is there a better/optimal way to achieve my result?
silhouette = []
# count = 0
# K = range(2, len(items))
for lob in item_df['LOB_LABEL'].unique():
items = item_df[item_df['LOB_LABEL']==lob]
items_scaled = items.iloc[:, 2:54]
K = range(2, len(items))
for k in tqdm(K):
kmeanModel = TimeSeriesKMeans(n_clusters=k, metric="dtw", n_jobs=6, max_iter=10, n_init=5)
silhouette.append(silhouette_score(items_scaled, kmeanModel.labels_, metric="dtw"))
# if count == 0:
# break
# count += 1
Upvotes: 1
Views: 992
Reputation: 677
The optimal number of clusters is based either on your presumptions, e.g. equal to the highest number of items, or you can determine it empirically. To do that, you run the algorithm for different numbers of k and calculate the error of the clustering, for example by calculating MSE between all members of a cluster and the cluster center. Then you'd have to make a decision between the acceptable error (which most likely decreases with the number of clusters) and whether a larger number of clusters still makes sense for the task at hand.
To reduce time complexity of the empirical approach, you can change three variables: the maximum for K, the number of iterations and the number of samples used in the parameter sweep. If you want the most optimal solution, you are best served to take the day to run this. However, if you are hard pressed for time or suspect you need to rerun this at some point, I advise you to use a subset of your data for hyperparameter searches.
More practically speaking, I think you will find k << len(items
, so your search range can probably be greatly reduced. Combine that with a subset of the data points and you should save a lot of time.
Upvotes: 1