Reputation: 616
When you have a google sheet with a series of cells that have data in them, they can be easily copy/pasted into an email, where formatting and spacing is preserved, and tables are even created automatically when appropriate. Is there a way to mimic that behavior using Apps Script? My gut says no, but I wanted to check.
Alternatively, can I export a tab of a Google Sheet to a PDF or a JPEG using Apps Script?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2287
Reputation: 73
You can combine the above option with sending the table as a PDF attachment in order to emulate style of the tables you have in your sheet.
function onOpen(e) {
var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu("⚙️ Enviar Email");
menu.addItem("Email PDF", "sendPDFHTMLEmail");
function sendPDFHTMLEmail() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("");
const value = ss.getSheetByName("COVID / ALERTA").getRange("A1").getValue();
// const email = value.toString();
// const subject = ss.getSheetByName("COVID / ALERTA").getRange("A1:G60").getValue();
const subjectDate = ss.getSheetByName("COVID / ALERTA").getSheetName() +" " + ss.getSheetByName("COVID / ALERTA").getRange("H1").getValue().toISOString().slice(0, 10);
const body = "Estimados, enviamos informe de trazabilidad de hoy.<p>"+"Atte.<br>"+"Enfermería de Junior School";
const url = 'YOUR SHEET/export?';
const exportOptions =
'exportFormat=pdf&format=pdf' +
'&size=letter' +
'&landscape=true' +
'&fitw=true' +
'&sheetnames=true&printtitle=false' +
'&pagenumbers=false&gridlines=true' +
'&fzr=true' +
'&if=false' +
'&ic=true' +
'&r1=51' +
'&c1=0' +
'&r2=102' +
var params = {method:"GET",headers:{"authorization":"Bearer "+ ScriptApp.getOAuthToken()}};
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url+exportOptions, params).getBlob();
MailApp.sendEmail({to: 'AN EMAIL',
subject: subjectDate,
htmlBody: testTableHTML(), body, attachments:
fileName: subjectDate + ".pdf",
content: response.getBytes(),
mimeType: "application/pdf"
}] })
function testTableHTML(){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('COVID / ALERTA')
var plage = sh.getRange('A1:G60'); // adapt as necessary
return (tableHTML(plage))
function tableHTML(plage){
var data=plage.getDisplayValues()
var taille=plage.getFontSizes()
var fond=plage.getBackgrounds()
var couleur=plage.getFontColors()
var police=plage.getFontFamilies()
var body = "Estimados, enviamos informe de trazabilidad de hoy.<p>"+"Atte.<br>"+"Enfermería de Junior School<p><p>";
var htmltable = body + '<table style="border:1px solid black;">';
for (row = 0; row<data.length; row++){
htmltable += '<tr>';
for (col = 0 ;col<data[row].length; col++){
if (data[row][col] === "" || 0) {htmltable += '<td>' + ' ' + '</td>';}
htmltable += '<td style="font-family:' + police[row][col] + '; background-color:' + fond[row][col] + '; color:' + couleur[row][col] + '; font-size:' + taille[row][col] + 'px;">' + data[row][col] + '</td>';
htmltable += '</tr>';
htmltable += '</table>';
return htmltable}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 15328
You can send emails this way you will have something like your spreadsheet
function endEmail() {
MailApp.sendEmail({to: '[email protected]',
subject: 'my subject',
htmlBody: testTableHTML()})
function testTableHTML(){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('mySheet')
var plage = sh.getRange('A1:H33'); // adapt as necessary
return (tableHTML(plage))
function tableHTML(plage){
var data=plage.getDisplayValues()
var taille=plage.getFontSizes()
var fond=plage.getBackgrounds()
var couleur=plage.getFontColors()
var police=plage.getFontFamilies()
var htmltable = '<table style="border:1px solid black;">';
for (row = 0; row<data.length; row++){
htmltable += '<tr>';
for (col = 0 ;col<data[row].length; col++){
if (data[row][col] === "" || 0) {htmltable += '<td>' + ' ' + '</td>';}
htmltable += '<td style="font-family:' + police[row][col] + '; background-color:' + fond[row][col] + '; color:' + couleur[row][col] + '; font-size:' + taille[row][col] + 'px;">' + data[row][col] + '</td>';
htmltable += '</tr>';
htmltable += '</table>';
return htmltable
Upvotes: 3