Reputation: 411
So, here's my code for getting a youtube user's public playlists:
function getyoutubeplaylists($userName) {
$yt = connectyoutube();
$playlistListFeed = $yt->getPlaylistListFeed($userName);
foreach ($playlistListFeed as $playlistListEntry) {
$playlist['title'] = $playlistListEntry->title->text;
$playlist['id'] = $playlistListEntry->getPlaylistID();
$playlists[] = $playlist;
$playlistVideoFeed = $yt->getPlaylistVideoFeed($playlistListEntry->getPlaylistVideoFeedUrl());
foreach ($playlistVideoFeed as $videoEntry) {
$playlist_assignment['youtube_id'] = substr($videoEntry->getVideoWatchPageUrl(),31,11);
$playlist_assignment['id'] = $playlist['id'];
$playlist_assignments[] = $playlist_assignment;
$everything['playlists'] = $playlists;
$everything['playlist_assignments'] = $playlist_assignments;
return $everything;
Problem is, this only gets the first page or results. Any ideas on how to use the Zend Gdata to retrieve the next page of results?
The raw gdata XML shows the URLs needed:
<link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
<link rel="next" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
However, getPlaylistListFeed doesn't seem to have any parameters to specify "start-index" or "max-results".
Upvotes: 5
Views: 7785
Reputation: 21851
Since I wasted all day "just trying to get a list of my videos to show on my website", I thought I'd paste up some sample code that just taught me a lot. And as expected, Zend_Gdata_YouTube::
is already in Magento installations. The code below will present a unified list of "videos", where playlists appear the same in the list as the other videos alongside each other. Update: I made a Magento extension out of my answer.
This is just a generic php I dropped into var/export. At the top, you have to include app/Mage.php
$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube();
// Get playlists.
$playlistListFeed = $yt->retrieveAllEntriesForFeed($yt->getPlaylistListFeed($userName));
Here, you've got an array of Zend objects in $playlistListFeed
foreach ($playlistListFeed as $idx=>$playlistListEntry) {
// process each playlist
$playlists[$idx]['title'] = $playlistListEntry->title->text;
$playlists[$idx]['id'] = $id[1];
$playlistVideoFeed = $yt->getPlaylistVideoFeed($playlistListEntry->getPlaylistVideoFeedUrl());
Now, within the playlist, I look at the videos of this playlist and gather stats on each one. I sum their times to get a total playtime and then capture the highest view count and rating from the videos in the playlist.
foreach ($playlistVideoFeed as $videoEntry) {
// info of each video inside this playlist
if( $_views > $playlists[$idx]['views'] )
if( $_rating > $playlists[$idx]['rating'] )
I ended up using the XML to get the thumbnail data.
// $playlists[$idx]['xml']=$xml; // store original XML for now
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml); // transfer into object
// 1st vid id playlist id
$videoid=array_keys( $playlists[$idx]['videos']);
$playlists[$idx]['url'] = "$videoid&list=PL".$playlists[$idx]['id'];
The playlists are handled, now let's get the remaining videos that aren't in playlists:
// Videos themselves
$userFeed = $yt->getUserUploads($userName);
foreach ($userFeed as $videoEntry) {
if( ! in_array($_id, $playlistvideos) ) {
// these need resizing to width="320" height="180"
} // else { echo "$_id already in playlist\n"; }
Here we have an array of our youtube videos, at the top are the playlsits ordered by oldest first, followed by the user's videos not appearing in playlists in same oldest first order. So I found this simple sort code to change the order. Great article there about sorting and worth a read if you're here trying to sort multidimensional arrays.
function orderBy($data, $field) {
$code = "return strnatcmp(\$a['$field'], \$b['$field']);";
// swap $a and $b to make descending instead of ascending
usort($data, create_function('$b,$a', $code)); //('$a,$b', $code));
return $data;
$playlists = orderBy($playlists, 'views');
echo "\n\n";
Here is the code that helped me get started working with these goofy GData YouTube Zend objects:
echo "\n\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "\n\n";
function show_methods( $_a ) {
echo "<h3>Methods for ".get_class($_a)."</h3>";
$_a= get_class_methods($_a);
foreach( $_a as $method ) {
echo "\n";
Here are two of the array entries to show the structure. Note that playlists have a videos
key with an array of the videos inside it. Testing for the videos
key can tell you it's a playlist. The url
is what your user can click on to open the video or playlist on the youtube site.
[1] => Array
[title] => "HowTo" Adjust your Valves
[id] => 970EC735D36A95E8
[time] => 855
[views] => 144847
[rating] => 4.9322033
[videos] => Array
[dIj3nSJGPZw] =>
[3WQY1MRlmH4] =>
[thumb] =>
[url] =>
[thumb] =>
[url] =>
[7] => Array
[id] => 80yCiFkOB9g
[url] =>
[title] => ExactFit Timing Belt Tensile Test
[views] => 7589
[rating] => 4.25
[thumb] =>
[time] => 625
And finally, the kind of stuff you get out of show_methods()
Methods for Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry
__construct __get __isset __set __toString
__unset addVideoDeveloperTag delete encode ensureMediaGroupIsNotNull
flushNamespaceLookupCache getAlternateLink getAuthor getCategory getComments
getContent getContributor getControl getDOM getEditLink
getEtag getExtensionAttributes getExtensionElements getFeedLink getFlashPlayerUrl
getHttpClient getId getLicenseLink getLink getLocation
getMajorProtocolVersion getMediaGroup getMediaSource getMinorProtocolVersion getNextLink
getNoEmbed getPreviousLink getPublished getRacy getRating
getRecorded getRights getSelfLink getService getSource
getStatistics getSummary getText getTitle getTitleValue
getUpdated getVideoCategory getVideoCommentFeedUrl getVideoComplaintsLink getVideoDescription
getVideoDeveloperTags getVideoDuration getVideoGeoLocation getVideoId getVideoRatingInfo
getVideoRatingsLink getVideoRecorded getVideoResponsesLink getVideoState getVideoTags
getVideoThumbnails getVideoTitle getVideoViewCount getVideoWatchPageUrl getWhere
getXML isVideoEmbeddable isVideoPrivate lookupNamespace registerAllNamespaces
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 189
This is a useful Zend function for retrieving not only the next page but all available entries for a feed.
$playlistListFeed = $yt->retrieveAllEntriesForFeed($yt->getPlaylistListFeed($userName));
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 16705
It sounds like you want to follow the Dev Guide example on pagination.
Upvotes: 1