Reputation: 3861
Following situation:
I'm working on a Mac running OS X and recently joined a project whose members so far all use Windows. One of my first tasks was to set up the codebase in a Git repository, so I pulled the directory tree from FTP and tried to check it into the Git repo I had prepared locally. When trying to do this, all I got was this
fatal: CRLF would be replaced by LF in blog/license.txt.
Since this affects all files below the "blog" folder, I'm looking for a way to conveniently convert ALL files in the tree to Unix line-endings. Is there a tool that does that out of the box or do I get scripting something myself?
For reference, my Git config concerning line-endings:
Upvotes: 235
Views: 135030
Reputation: 6185
The current accepted answer uses find -exec
with dos2unix
but this is unnecessarily slow because the vast majority of shells, including Bash, support the use of a wildcard to operate on all files in a directory (known as pathname expansion or globbing).
The answers that don't use dos2unix
are even worse because they do naive search-and-replaces that will irreversibly corrupt binary files like executables, images, videos, and even the contents of the .git
directory as noted in some comments.
Both dos2unix
and unix2dos
are ubiquitous, lightweight tools that have been pre-installed on every UNIX-based system I've ever used. They skip non-text files by default, making them safe to use on entire directories in this way unlike the other answers.
dos2unix -v *
unix2dos -v *
The -v
switch isn't required but will output which files are being converted to the console.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 46534
dos2unix does that for you. Fairly straight forward process.
dos2unix filename
Thanks to toolbear, here is a one-liner that recursively replaces line endings and properly handles whitespace, quotes, and shell meta chars.
find . -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;
If you're using dos2unix 6.0 binary files will be ignored.
Upvotes: 389
Reputation: 24691
The same as the others but with node.js
find ./src/test/resources/com/sonalake/bss/tests/bdd/ -type f -exec node -e "require('fs'); const val = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[1], 'utf8'); fs.writeFileSync(process.argv[1], val.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'))" {} ';'
// load file system module
// read file
const val = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[1], 'utf8');
// replace file contents
fs.writeFileSync(process.argv[1], val.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 426
find ./ -type f -name "*.java" -exec perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' {} \;
This has worked for me on wsl2 to change all the java files from CRLF to LF
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3414
On OS X, this worked for me:
find ./ -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' {} \;
Warning: Please backup your directory before executing this command.
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 639
find . -not \( -name .svn -prune -o -name .git -prune \) -type f -exec perl -pi -e 's/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g' {} \;
This is much safer as it avoids corrupting your git repo. Add or replace .git, .svn with .bzr, .hg or whatever source control your using to the not list.
Upvotes: 25
Assuming you have GNU grep
and perl
this will recursively convert CRLF to LF in non-binary files under the current directory:
find . -type f -exec grep -qIP '\r\n' {} ';' -exec perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/g' {} '+'
Find recursively under current directory; change .
to blog
or whatev
subdirectories to limit the replacement:
find .
Only match regular files:
-type f
Test if file contains CRLF. Exclude binary files. Runs grep
command for every regular file. That's the price of excluding binaries. If you have an old grep
you could try building a test using the file
-exec grep -qIP '\r\n' {} ';'
Replace CRLF with LF. The '+'
with the second -exec
tells find
to accumulate matching files and pass them to one (or as few as possible) invocations of the command -- like piping to xargs
, but without problems if file path contains spaces, quotes, or other shell meta characters. The i
in -pi
tells perl to modify the file in place. You could use sed
or awk
here with some work, and you'll probably change '+' to ';' and invoke a separate process for each match:
-exec perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/g' {} '+'
Upvotes: 64
Reputation: 1074
Here's a better option: Swiss File Knife. It works recursively across sub-directories, and handles properly spaces and special characters.
All you have to do is:
sfk remcr -dir your_project_directory
Bonus: sfk also does lots of other conversions. See below for the full list:
SFK - The Swiss File Knife File Tree Processor.
Release 1.6.7 Base Revision 2 of May 3 2013.
StahlWorks Technologies,
Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty.
type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following.
some commands require to add "-help" for the help text.
file system
sfk list - list directory tree contents.
list latest, oldest or biggest files.
list directory differences.
list zip jar tar gz bz2 contents.
sfk filefind - find files by filename
sfk treesize - show directory size statistics
sfk copy - copy directory trees additively
sfk sync - mirror tree content with deletion
sfk partcopy - copy part from a file into another one
sfk mkdir - create directory tree
sfk delete - delete files and folders
sfk deltree - delete whole directory tree
sfk deblank - remove blanks in filenames
sfk space [-h] - tell total and free size of volume
sfk filetime - tell times of a file
sfk touch - change times of a file
sfk lf-to-crlf - convert from LF to CRLF line endings
sfk crlf-to-lf - convert from CRLF to LF line endings
sfk detab - convert TAB characters to spaces
sfk entab - convert groups of spaces to TAB chars
sfk scantab - list files containing TAB characters
sfk split - split large files into smaller ones
sfk join - join small files into a large one
sfk hexdump - create hexdump from a binary file
sfk hextobin - convert hex data to binary
sfk hex - convert decimal number(s) to hex
sfk dec - convert hex number(s) to decimal
sfk chars - print chars for a list of codes
sfk bin-to-src - convert binary to source code
text processing
sfk filter - search, filter and replace text data
sfk addhead - insert string at start of text lines
sfk addtail - append string at end of text lines
sfk patch - change text files through a script
sfk snapto - join many text files into one file
sfk joinlines - join text lines split by email reformatting
sfk inst - instrument c++ sourcecode with tracing calls
sfk replace - replace words in binary and text files
sfk hexfind - find words in binary files, showing hexdump
sfk run - run command on all files of a folder
sfk runloop - run a command n times in a loop
sfk printloop - print some text many times
sfk strings - extract strings from a binary file
sfk sort - sort text lines produced by another command
sfk count - count text lines, filter identical lines
sfk head - print first lines of a file
sfk tail - print last lines of a file
sfk linelen - tell length of string(s)
search and compare
sfk find - find words in binary files, showing text
sfk md5gento - create list of md5 checksums over files
sfk md5check - verify list of md5 checksums over files
sfk md5 - calc md5 over a file, compare two files
sfk pathfind - search PATH for location of a command
sfk reflist - list fuzzy references between files
sfk deplist - list fuzzy dependencies between files
sfk dupfind - find duplicate files by content
sfk httpserv - run an instant HTTP server.
type "sfk httpserv -help" for help.
sfk ftpserv - run an instant FTP server
type "sfk ftpserv -help" for help.
sfk ftp - instant anonymous FTP client
sfk wget - download HTTP file from the web
sfk webrequest - send HTTP request to a server
sfk tcpdump - print TCP conversation between programs
sfk udpdump - print incoming UDP requests
sfk udpsend - send UDP requests
sfk ip - tell own machine's IP address(es).
type "sfk ip -help" for help.
sfk netlog - send text outputs to network,
and/or file, and/or terminal
sfk script - run many sfk commands in a script file
sfk echo - print (coloured) text to terminal
sfk color - change text color of terminal
sfk alias - create command from other commands
sfk mkcd - create command to reenter directory
sfk sleep - delay execution for milliseconds
sfk pause - wait for user input
sfk label - define starting point for a script
sfk tee - split command output in two streams
sfk tofile - save command output to a file
sfk toterm - flush command output to terminal
sfk loop - repeat execution of a command chain
sfk cd - change directory within a script
sfk getcwd - print the current working directory
sfk require - compare version text
sfk bin-to-src - convert binary data to source code
sfk make-random-file - create file with random data
sfk fuzz - change file at random, for testing
sfk sample - print example code for programming
sfk inst - instrument c++ with tracing calls
sfk media - cut video and binary files
sfk view - show results in a GUI tool
sfk toclip - copy command output to clipboard
sfk fromclip - read text from clipboard
sfk list - show directory tree contents
sfk env - search environment variables
sfk version - show version of a binary file
sfk ascii - list ISO 8859-1 ASCII characters
sfk ascii -dos - list OEM codepage 850 characters
sfk license - print the SFK license text
help by subject
sfk help select - how dirs and files are selected in sfk
sfk help options - general options reference
sfk help patterns - wildcards and text patterns within sfk
sfk help chain - how to combine (chain) multiple commands
sfk help shell - how to optimize the windows command prompt
sfk help unicode - about unicode file reading support
sfk help colors - how to change result colors
sfk help xe - for infos on sfk extended edition.
All tree walking commands support file selection this way:
1. short format with ONE directory tree and MANY file name patterns:
src1dir .cpp .hpp .xml bigbar !footmp
2. short format with a list of explicite file names:
letter1.txt revenues9.xls report3\turnover5.ppt
3. long format with MANY dir trees and file masks PER dir tree:
-dir src1 src2 !src\save -file foosys .cpp -dir bin5 -file .exe
For detailed help on file selection, type "sfk help select".
* and ? wildcards are supported within filenames. "foo" is interpreted
as "*foo*", so you can leave out * completely to search a part of a name.
For name start comparison, say "\foo" (finds foo.txt but not anyfoo.txt).
When you supply a directory name, by default this means "take all files".
sfk list mydir lists ALL files of mydir, no * needed.
sfk list mydir .cpp .hpp lists SOME files of mydir, by extension.
sfk list mydir !.cfg lists all files of mydir EXCEPT .cfg
general options:
-tracesel tells in detail which files and/or directories are included
or excluded, and why (due to which user-supplied mask).
-nosub do not process files within subdirectories.
-nocol before any command switches off color output.
-quiet or -nohead shows less output on some commands.
-hidden includes hidden and system files and dirs.
For detailed help on all options, type "sfk help options".
beware of Shell Command Characters.
command parameters containing characters < > | ! & must be sur-
rounded by quotes "". type "sfk filter" for details and examples.
type "sfk ask word1 word2 ..." to search ALL help text for words.
type "sfk dumphelp" to print ALL help text.
EDIT: a word of caution: be careful when running this on folders that have binary files, as it will effectively destroy your files, particularly .git directories. If this is your case, do not run sfk in the entire folder, but select specific file extensions instead (*.rb, *.py, etc). Example: sfk remcr -dir chef -file .rb -file .json -file .erb -file .md
Upvotes: 37