Reputation: 217
I want to combine values from multiple lines of varying length into one line if they match IDs.
Input example is:
ID: Value:
a-1 49
a-2 75
b-1 120
b-2 150
b-3 211
c-1 289
d-1 301
d-2 322
Desired output example is:
ID: Value:
a 49,75
b 120,150,211
c 289
d 301,322
How would I write an awk expression (or sed or grep or something) to check if the IDs matched, and then to print all those values on to one line? I can of course just print them into different columns and combine them later, so really the problem is just conditionally printing if the IDs match and if not starting a new line.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 7158
Reputation: 45670
A solution based on standard tools, as an alternative to the excellent solutions provided above...
$ for INDEX in $(cut -f1 input | uniq); do echo -n "$INDEX ";grep "^$INDEX" input | cut -f2 | tr '\n' ' ';echo; done
a 49 75
b 120 150 211
c 289
d 301 322
Using a slightly modified input, without header and index, created using
awk 'NR>1' input | sed 's/-[0-9]*//'
a 49
a 75
b 120
b 150
b 211
c 289
d 301
d 322
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 187
Given your inputs in input.txt file:
awk '{split($1, a, "-"); hsh[a[1]]=hsh[a[1]]$2","}END{for (i in hsh){print i" "hsh[i]}}' input.txt | sed 's/,$//'
a 49,75
b 120,150,211
c 289
d 301,322
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16768
In awk, if your IDs are clustered together:
awk 'NR==1 {print $0}
NR > 1 {sub("-.*", "", $1)}
NR == 2 {prev=$1; printf "%s %s", $1, $2}
NR > 2 && prev == $1 {printf ",%s", $2}
NR > 2 && prev != $1 {prev=$1; printf "\n%s %s", $1, $2}' your_input_file
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 16768
In sed, assuming the IDs are clustered together:
sed -n -e '1p;2{s/-.* / /;h};3,${H;x;s/\(.*\) \(.*\)\n\1-.* /\1 \2,/;/\n/{P;s/.*\n//;s/-.* / /};x};${x;p}' your_input_file
Bellow is a commented sed script file that can be run with sed -n -f script your_input_file
# Print the 1st line as is.
# For the 2nd line, remove what is after - in the ID and save in the hold space.
2{s/-.* / /;h}
# For all the other lines...
# Append the line to the hold space and place it in the pattern space.
# Substitute identical ids by a ,.
s/\(.*\) \(.*\)\n\1-.* /\1 \2,/
# If we have a \n left in the pattern space, it is a new ID, so print the old and prepare the next.
/\n/{P;s/.*\n//;s/-.* / /}
# Save what remains in hold space for next line.
# For the last line, print what is left in the hold space.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 247230
Given your input:
awk '
NR == 1 {print; next}
sep = values[a[1]] == "" ? "" : ","
values[a[1]] = values[a[1]] sep $2
END {for (key in values) print key, values[key]}
ID: Value:
a 49,75
b 120,150,211
c 289
d 301,322
A language that supports "hash-of-lists" would be handy too. Here's a Perl version
perl -lne '
if ($. == 1) {print; next}
if (/^(.+?)-\S+\s+(.*)/) {
push @{$values{$1}}, $2;
$, = " ";
foreach $key (keys %values) {
print $key, join(",", @{$values{$key}});
Upvotes: 3