Reputation: 155
I want to bold part of a text string. For example, is there a way to only bold 'text' in 'this is my text string' using openxlsx R package:
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, 'Contents')
bold_text <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold")
openxlsx::addStyle(wb, sheet = 'Contents', bold_text, rows = 1, cols = 1, gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)
writeData(wb, sheet = 'Contents', x = 'this is my text string', startRow = 1, startCol = 1)
openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = 'D:testing.xlsx', overwrite = TRUE)
Upvotes: 12
Views: 1238
Reputation: 4448
Sure, you can replace text with its 𝐁𝐎𝐋𝐃 Unicode equivalent which we then combine with normal text using paste0
. You can do the same for all sorts of font styles.
setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)) # set the current script's location as working directory
file <- "BoldText.xlsx"
sheet <- 'Contents'
wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheet)
b <- function(text) {
# Define a mapping of characters to their bold Unicode equivalents
bold_map <- list(
A = "𝐀", B = "𝐁", C = "𝐂", D = "𝐃", E = "𝐄", F = "𝐅", G = "𝐆", H = "𝐇", I = "𝐈", J = "𝐉", K = "𝐊", L = "𝐋", M = "𝐌", N = "𝐍", O = "𝐎", P = "𝐏", Q = "𝐐", R = "𝐑", S = "𝐒", T = "𝐓", U = "𝐔", V = "𝐕", W = "𝐖", X = "𝐗", Y = "𝐘", Z = "𝐙",
a = "𝐚", b = "𝐛", c = "𝐜", d = "𝐝", e = "𝐞", f = "𝐟", g = "𝐠", h = "𝐡", i = "𝐢", j = "𝐣", k = "𝐤", l = "𝐥", m = "𝐦", n = "𝐧", o = "𝐨", p = "𝐩", q = "𝐪", r = "𝐫", s = "𝐬", t = "𝐭", u = "𝐮", v = "𝐯", w = "𝐰", x = "𝐱", y = "𝐲", z = "𝐳",
`0` = "𝟎", `1` = "𝟏", `2` = "𝟐", `3` = "𝟑", `4` = "𝟒", `5` = "𝟓", `6` = "𝟔",`7` = "𝟕", `8` = "𝟖", `9` = "𝟗"
paste(sapply(strsplit(text, NULL)[[1]], function(char) { ifelse(char %in% names(bold_map), bold_map[[char]], char) }), collapse = "")
writeData(wb, sheet = sheet, x = paste0('this is my', b(" test "),'String'), startCol = 1, startRow = 1)
saveWorkbook(wb, file = file, overwrite = TRUE)
Then as user @Micheal Dewar pointed out, it can be done much simpler:
### Using openxlsx2
# Create formatted text
txt <- paste( fmt_txt("This is my "), fmt_txt("Test", bold = TRUE, size = 11),fmt_txt(" String."))
# Create workbook and add data
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = txt)
Upvotes: 4