Reputation: 67
I've recently installed Debian Linux 11 on my PC and on this Python 3.9 and Emacs 27.1 with the tools provided with Linux. I wrote a small Fibonacci test file on Emacs. Emacs shows the python menu, formats the code, makes correct auto-indent --> everything's fine. I saved the file and wanted to invoke the Python interpreter C-c C-p, but Emacs didn't find python.
I found out that Python couldn't be started from the shell too. I solved this by editing the local shell script .bashrc with the alias
alias python='/usr/bin/python3.9'
Testing with python --version
responds with the version-No, and everything works fine, however emacs doesn't find python either.
Doing the same by starting from the Emacs shell (M-x shell) works too, but C-c C-p doesn't still work.
I can't find out, if it's a problem of DEBIAN or of Emacs. It seems that either the synaptic package manager installs programs without configuring completely or there is a bug in the Emacs configuration.
I have the same configuration on a laptop with Win10 and there Emacs works fine Python.
I'm a newbee on Linux and Emacs and hope to get a solution, where I don't need to get too deep into internals.
To be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed, that simple things don't run here.
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Views: 824
Reputation: 67
OK, now I put the follwing line into the *scratch*-buffer and evaluted this:
(setq python-shell-interpreter "python3.9")
Also possible to reduce that to
(setq python-shell-interpreter "python3")
C-c C-p invokes now the python shell which reacts on evaluating the python code.
Next step I created in the folder ~/.emacs.d the file init.el and put this line in. Starting Emacs works now. When invoking the python shell, I see that Emacs starts a script called python.el. Perhaps this should be corrected, but I can't find it.
For me it fits now, but that means that Emacs doesn't take any aliases from the OS but must be configured separately - at least when using Linux, because with Win10 it's obviously not necessary to set this variable.
Upvotes: 1