Reputation: 1579
Here is the problem, in a working unit test. I think it's either a bug in DBI + DBD::mysql, with respect to how it handles MySQL JSON columns, or a bug in my brain.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Plugin::UTF8;
use Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings echo => 1;
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql 4.041; # 4.041+ required for utf8mb4
use JSON 4.01 qw//;
use Encode;
# setup $dbh, create test table
my $dbname = '';
my $host = 'localhost';
my $user = '';
my $pass = '';
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
"DBI:mysql:" . ($dbname || '') . ";host=" . $host,
$pass || undef,
{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit=> 1 }
$dbh->{'mysql_enable_utf8mb4'} = 1;
$dbh->{'charset'} = 'utf8';
. "id int unsigned, "
. "`my_json` json NOT NULL, "
. "`my_text` mediumtext NOT NULL "
. ") ENGINE=InnoDB "
. "DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
# create and insert test data
# A use case for spam! Got this junk from spam inbox
my $utf8str = "ion?• été e😍💋🔥ulière vs• Ch• 😊⭐👉🏻🔞🍆Sho是ab 期待您x";
my $hash = { test => $utf8str };
my $json = JSON->new->encode( $hash );
my $id = time;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test SET id=?, my_json=?, my_text=?", undef, $id, $json, $json);
# retrieve test data and check it
my ( $my_json, $my_text ) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT my_json, my_text FROM test WHERE id=$id");
is( $my_text, $json ); # ok
is( $my_json, $json ); # fails. got {"test": "ion?\nâ\N{U+80}¢ ét ....
is( decode('UTF-8', $my_json), $json ); # ok'ish. mysql adds a space between "test":"..." but value looks ok
# another test, independent of JSON encoder, using hand-built json
$json = '{"test":"' . $utf8str . '"}';
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test SET id=?, my_json=?, my_text=?", undef, $id, $json, $json);
( $my_json, $my_text ) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT my_json, my_text FROM test WHERE id=$id");
is( $my_text, $json ); # ok
is( $my_json, $json ); # fails. got {"test": "ion?\nâ\N{U+80}¢ ét ....
printf "%vX", $my_json; # 7B.
printf "%vX", $json; # 7B.
is( decode('UTF-8', $my_json), $json ); # ok'ish. mysql adds a space between "test":"..." but value looks ok
# cleanup
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE `test`");
My understanding is that the JSON standard requires UTF-8. In addition, MySQL also requires/uses UTF-8 with regard to JSON columns, as described here:
MySQL handles strings used in JSON context using the utf8mb4 character set and utf8mb4_bin collation. Strings in other character sets are converted to utf8mb4 as necessary. (
My understanding is also that DBI handles the UTF-8 encoding/decoding, and should be returning decoded UTF-8 as it is doing for the mediumtext column, as stated here:
This attribute determines whether DBD::mysql should assume strings stored in the database are utf8. This feature defaults to off.
When set, a data retrieved from a textual column type (char, varchar, etc) will have the UTF-8 flag turned on if necessary. This enables character semantics on that string.
However, it appears not to be for JSON columns. Explicit decoding appears to be required after retrieving data from a JSON column.
So which is it... bug in DBI/DBD::mysql, or bug in my brain?
EDIT: Good news, it's not my brain. Bad news, appears to be a known bug.
So, the answer I'm seeking now is a backward-compatible workaround, i.e., a workaround that won't break if/when DBD::mysql is fixed. Double-decoding would not be good.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2005
Reputation: 142518
F0.9F.98.8D -- UTF-8 encoding -- this is good
1F60D -- Unicode codepoint -- not useful in `MEDIUMTEXT`
SELECT HEX(my_json) FROM test WHERE id = ...
to see what is inside MySQL; it should be F09F988D
You should not be encoding or decoding any string that is written to or read from MySQL.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6808
Change SQL request to create test
table as following
my $query = "
`my_json` JSON NOT NULL,
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 40778
So, the answer I'm seeking now is a backward-compatible workaround, i.e., a workaround that won't break if/when DBD::mysql is fixed. Double-decoding would not be good.
You could try to determine if the JSON decode bug is present by creating a test table where you insert a non-ascii character that has a known UTF-8 encoding with byte length greater than one. For example:
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS json_decode_test");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE json_decode_test (id int unsigned, `my_json` json NOT NULL)");
my $unicode_str = "是"; # This character will always have a UTF-8 encoding with
# byte length > 1
my $hash = { test_str => $unicode_str };
my $json = JSON->new;
my $json_str = $json->encode( $hash );
my $id = time;
my $attrs = undef;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO json_decode_test SET id=?, my_json=?", $attrs, $id, $json_str);
my ( $json_str2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(
"SELECT my_json FROM json_decode_test WHERE id=$id");
my $hash2 = $json->decode( $json_str2 );
my $unicode_str2 = $hash2->{test_str};
# If the json unicode bug is present, $unicode_str2 will not be decoded. Instead
# it will be a string of length 3 representing the UTF-8 encoding of $unicode_str
# (printf "%vX\n", $unicode_str2) gives output : E6.98.AF
my $json_unicode_bug = (length $unicode_str2) > 1;
if ( $json_unicode_bug ) {
say "unicode bug is present..";
# need to run decode_utf8() on every returned json object from DBI
Upvotes: 1