
Reputation: 1579

UTF-8 decoding when reading a MySQL column of type JSON (vs. TEXT), using Perl DBI + DBD::mysql

Here is the problem, in a working unit test. I think it's either a bug in DBI + DBD::mysql, with respect to how it handles MySQL JSON columns, or a bug in my brain.

use strict;
use warnings;

use utf8;

use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Plugin::UTF8;
use Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings echo => 1;

use DBI;
use DBD::mysql 4.041;  # 4.041+ required for utf8mb4
use JSON 4.01 qw//;
use Encode;

# setup $dbh, create test table
my $dbname = '';
my $host = 'localhost';
my $user = '';
my $pass = '';

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
  "DBI:mysql:" . ($dbname || '') . ";host=" . $host,
  $pass || undef, 
  { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit=> 1 }

$dbh->{'mysql_enable_utf8mb4'} = 1;
$dbh->{'charset'} = 'utf8';

  . "id int unsigned, "
  . "`my_json` json NOT NULL, "
  . "`my_text` mediumtext NOT NULL "
  . ") ENGINE=InnoDB "
  . "DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci"

# create and insert test data

# A use case for spam! Got this junk from spam inbox
my $utf8str = "ion?• été e😍💋🔥ulière vs• Ch• 😊⭐👉🏻🔞🍆Sho是ab 期待您x";  
my $hash = { test => $utf8str };
my $json = JSON->new->encode( $hash );

my $id = time;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test SET id=?, my_json=?, my_text=?", undef, $id, $json, $json);

# retrieve test data and check it
my ( $my_json, $my_text ) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT my_json, my_text FROM test WHERE id=$id");

is( $my_text, $json );  # ok

is( $my_json, $json );  # fails. got {"test": "ion?\nâ\N{U+80}¢ ét .... 

is( decode('UTF-8', $my_json), $json );  # ok'ish. mysql adds a space between "test":"..." but value looks ok

# another test, independent of JSON encoder, using hand-built json
$json = '{"test":"' . $utf8str . '"}';
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test SET id=?, my_json=?, my_text=?", undef, $id, $json, $json);

( $my_json, $my_text ) = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT my_json, my_text FROM test WHERE id=$id");

is( $my_text, $json );  # ok

is( $my_json, $json );  # fails. got {"test": "ion?\nâ\N{U+80}¢ ét .... 

printf "%vX", $my_json;  # 7B.

printf "%vX", $json;  # 7B.

is( decode('UTF-8', $my_json), $json );  # ok'ish. mysql adds a space between "test":"..." but value looks ok

# cleanup
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE `test`");



My understanding is that the JSON standard requires UTF-8. In addition, MySQL also requires/uses UTF-8 with regard to JSON columns, as described here:

MySQL handles strings used in JSON context using the utf8mb4 character set and utf8mb4_bin collation. Strings in other character sets are converted to utf8mb4 as necessary. (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/json.html)

My understanding is also that DBI handles the UTF-8 encoding/decoding, and should be returning decoded UTF-8 as it is doing for the mediumtext column, as stated here:

This attribute determines whether DBD::mysql should assume strings stored in the database are utf8. This feature defaults to off.

When set, a data retrieved from a textual column type (char, varchar, etc) will have the UTF-8 flag turned on if necessary. This enables character semantics on that string. https://metacpan.org/pod/DBD::mysql#mysql_enable_utf8

However, it appears not to be for JSON columns. Explicit decoding appears to be required after retrieving data from a JSON column.

So which is it... bug in DBI/DBD::mysql, or bug in my brain?

EDIT: Good news, it's not my brain. Bad news, appears to be a known bug. https://github.com/perl5-dbi/DBD-mysql/issues/309

So, the answer I'm seeking now is a backward-compatible workaround, i.e., a workaround that won't break if/when DBD::mysql is fixed. Double-decoding would not be good.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2005

Answers (3)

Rick James
Rick James

Reputation: 142518

F0.9F.98.8D -- UTF-8 encoding -- this is good
1F60D -- Unicode codepoint -- not useful in `MEDIUMTEXT`


SELECT HEX(my_json) FROM test WHERE id = ...

to see what is inside MySQL; it should be F09F988D.

You should not be encoding or decoding any string that is written to or read from MySQL.

Upvotes: 0

Polar Bear
Polar Bear

Reputation: 6808

Change SQL request to create test table as following

my $query = "
    `id`       INT UNSIGNED,
    `my_json`  JSON NOT NULL,
    `my_text`  MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL


Upvotes: 0

Håkon Hægland
Håkon Hægland

Reputation: 40778

So, the answer I'm seeking now is a backward-compatible workaround, i.e., a workaround that won't break if/when DBD::mysql is fixed. Double-decoding would not be good.

You could try to determine if the JSON decode bug is present by creating a test table where you insert a non-ascii character that has a known UTF-8 encoding with byte length greater than one. For example:

$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS json_decode_test");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE json_decode_test (id int unsigned, `my_json` json NOT NULL)");
my $unicode_str = "是";  # This character will always have a UTF-8 encoding with
                         # byte length > 1
my $hash = { test_str => $unicode_str };
my $json = JSON->new;
my $json_str = $json->encode( $hash );
my $id = time;
my $attrs = undef;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO json_decode_test SET id=?, my_json=?", $attrs, $id, $json_str);
my ( $json_str2 ) = $dbh->selectrow_array(
    "SELECT my_json FROM json_decode_test WHERE id=$id");
my $hash2 = $json->decode( $json_str2 );
my $unicode_str2 = $hash2->{test_str};
# If the json unicode bug is present, $unicode_str2 will not be decoded. Instead
#  it will be a string of length 3 representing the UTF-8 encoding of $unicode_str
#  (printf "%vX\n", $unicode_str2) gives output : E6.98.AF
my $json_unicode_bug = (length $unicode_str2) > 1;
if ( $json_unicode_bug ) {
    say "unicode bug is present..";
    # need to run decode_utf8() on every returned json object from DBI

Upvotes: 1

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