Reputation: 85322
In generics-sop
, what is the idiomatic way to generically create a sum constructor value given both its position (index) and the product value of its args?
For example consider,
-- This can be any arbitrary type.
data Prop = Name String | Age Int | City String
deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (Generic)
-- Manually creating a sum constructor value (3rd constructor)
mkCityPropManual :: SOP I (Code Prop)
mkCityPropManual = from $ City "Chennai"
mkCityPropGeneric :: SOP I (Code Prop)
mkCityPropGeneric = SOP $ mkSumGeneric $ I ("Chennai" :: String) :* Nil
-- Generically creating it, independent of type in question
mkSumGeneric :: _
mkSumGeneric = undefined
How do you define mkSumGeneric
Per I figured the injection types might be useful here, but that's apparently only useful for either constructing all sum constructors, or building a homogenous sum list (to be collapsed).
A naive approach is to define a type-class like below, but I have a feeling there is a better way.
-- `XS` is known to be in `Code (a s)` per the class constraint this function is in
-- For complete code, see:
mkSOP :: NP I '[xs] -> SOP I (Code (a s))
mkSOP = SOP . mkSum' @sx @'[xs] @rest
class MkSum (before :: [[Type]]) (x :: [Type]) (xs :: [[Type]]) where
mkSum' :: NP I x -> NS (NP I) (Append (Reverse before) (x ': xs))
instance MkSum '[] x xs where
mkSum' = Z
instance MkSum '[p1] x xs where
mkSum' = S . Z
instance MkSum '[p1, p2] x xs where
mkSum' = S . S . Z
instance MkSum '[p1, p2, p3] x xs where
mkSum' = S . S . S . Z
instance MkSum '[p1, p2, p3, p4] x xs where
mkSum' = S . S . S . S . Z
instance MkSum '[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5] x xs where
mkSum' = S . S . S . S . S . Z
instance MkSum '[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6] x xs where
mkSum' = S . S . S . S . S . S . Z
EDIT: I've made MkSum
general (see below), but something tells me that there is a more idiomatic way to do this all using generics-sop
combinators. What would that be?
class MkSum (idx :: Fin n) xss where
mkSum :: NP I (TypeAt idx xss) -> NS (NP I) xss
instance MkSum 'FZ (xs ': xss) where
mkSum = Z
instance MkSum idx xss => MkSum ( 'FS idx) (xs ': xss) where
mkSum v = S $ mkSum @_ @idx @xss v
type family Length xs :: N.Nat where
Length '[] = 'N.Z
Length (x ': xs) = 'N.S (Length xs)
class Tail' (idx :: Fin n) (xss :: [[k]]) where
type Tail idx xss :: [[k]]
instance Tail' 'FZ xss where
type Tail 'FZ xss = xss
instance Tail' idx xs => Tail' ( 'FS idx) (x ': xs) where
type Tail ( 'FS idx) (x ': xs) = Tail idx xs
instance Tail' idx xs => Tail' ( 'FS idx) '[] where
type Tail ( 'FS idx) '[] = TypeError ( 'Text "Tail: index out of bounds")
class TypeAt' (idx :: Fin n) (xs :: [[k]]) where
type TypeAt idx xs :: [k]
instance TypeAt' 'FZ (x ': xs) where
type TypeAt 'FZ (x ': xs) = x
instance TypeAt' ( 'FS idx) (x ': xs) where
type TypeAt ( 'FS idx) (x ': xs) = TypeAt idx XS
EDIT: Adapting Eitan's answer below (which doesn't work for non-product types), I've simplified MkSum
further as:
{- |
Infrastructure to create a single sum constructor given its type index and value.
- `mkSum @0 @(Code a) x` creates the first sum constructor;
- `mkSum @1 @(Code a) x` creates the second sum constructor;
- etc.
It is type-checked that the `x` here matches the type of nth constructor of `a`.
class MkSum (idx :: Nat) (xss :: [[Type]]) where
mkSum :: NP I (IndexList idx xss) -> NS (NP I) xss
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} MkSum 0 (xs ': xss) where
mkSum = Z
( MkSum (idx - 1) xss
, IndexList idx (xs ': xss) ~ IndexList (idx - 1) xss
) =>
MkSum idx (xs ': xss)
mkSum x = S $ mkSum @(idx - 1) @xss x
-- | Indexing type-level lists
type family IndexList (n :: Nat) (l :: [k]) :: k where
IndexList 0 (x ': _) = x
IndexList n (x : xs) = IndexList (n - 1) xs
Upvotes: 5
Views: 255
Reputation: 66
what is the idiomatic way to generically create a sum constructor value given both its position (index) and the product value of its args?
I might try something like this:
>>> :set -XKindSignatures -XDataKinds -XTypeOperators -XTypeApplications -XScopedTypeVariables -XAllowAmbiguousTypes
>>> :set -XFlexibleContexts -XFlexibleInstances -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XFunctionalDependencies -XUndecidableInstances
>>> import Data.Kind
>>> import Generics.SOP
>>> import GHC.TypeLits
>>> :{
class Summand (n :: Nat) as a | n as -> a where
summand :: a -> NS I as
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
Summand 0 (a ': as) a where
summand = Z . I
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
Summand (n-1) as a => Summand n (b ': as) a where
summand = S . summand @(n-1)
>>> :{
[ summand @0 "0"
, summand @1 1
, summand @2 2
] :: [NS I '[String, Double, Int]]
[Z (I "0"),S (Z (I 1.0)),S (S (Z (I 2)))]
EDIT More generally, abstract out the identity I
for any interpretation f :: k -> Type
:set -XPolyKinds -XDataKinds -XTypeOperators -XTypeApplications -XScopedTypeVariables -XAllowAmbiguousTypes -XGADTs
:set -XFlexibleContexts -XFlexibleInstances -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XFunctionalDependencies -XUndecidableInstances
:set -XDerivingStrategies -XDeriveGeneric -XDeriveAnyClass
>>> :{
class Summand (n :: Nat) as a | n as -> a where
summand :: f a -> NS f as
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
Summand 0 (a ': as) a where
summand = Z
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
Summand (n-1) as a => Summand n (b ': as) a where
summand = S . summand @(n-1)
summandI :: forall n a as. Summand n as a => a -> NS I as
summandI = summand @n . I
:: forall n b a as
. (IsProductType a as, Generic b, Summand n (Code b) as)
=> a -> b
summandGeneric = to . SOP . summand @n . productTypeFrom
>>> data Foo = Bar {bar1 :: Char, bar2 :: Int} | Baz deriving stock (Show, GHC.Generic) deriving anyclass (Generic)
>>> summandGeneric @0 ('1',2) :: Foo
Bar {bar1 = '1', bar2 = 2}
>>> summandGeneric @1 () :: Foo
>>> :{
data Prop = Name String | Age Int | City String
deriving stock (Show, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (Generic)
>>> summandGeneric @1 @Prop (I 30)
Age 30
>>> summandGeneric @0 @Prop (I "John")
Name "John"
Upvotes: 3