Reputation: 11
So i am trying to add a support to a slash commands but for some reason it says:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'delete'
its mostly coming from await ctx.message.delete(ctx.delete)
and i cant find any solutions.
here is my code:
@client.slash_command(name="tempmute", description="temporary mutes a member from the server")
async def tempmute(ctx, member: nextcord.Member,time):
muted_role=nextcord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="Muted")
time_convert = {"s":1 , "m":60, "h":3600,"d":86400}
tempmute= int(time[0]) * time_convert[time[-1]]
await ctx.message.delete(ctx.delete)
await member.add_roles(muted_role)
embed = nextcord.Embed(description= f"✅ **{member.display_name}#{member.discriminator} muted successfuly**",
await ctx.send(embed=embed, delete_after=5)
await nextcord.sleep(tempmute)
await member.remove_roles(muted_role)
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Views: 627
Reputation: 2720
A slash command is invoked without a message and there's nothing to delete, i.e. ctx.message
is None
(hence the error). The await ctx.message.delete(ctx.delete)
line is completely redundant in a slash command setting and can simply be removed
Upvotes: 1