
Reputation: 617

How can be saved the destinations of nested navigation graph's id in the bottom navigation Jetpack Compose?

I am facing some problems with navigation's back stacks in Jetpack Compose. The following diagram is my desired scenario. enter image description here

I have bottom bar and two items Home and Setting. And I want to make both as nested graphs. In HomeNavGraph, HomeRootScreen is startDestination and can navigate to HomeDetail1Screen and HomeDetail2. Setting tab also likes that. And I want to save those nested graph states like When I click HomeRoot -> HomeDetail1 -> HomeDetail2, at that time I click Setting tab in BottomBar. And click back to Home, I want my current Screen to HomeDeatil2Screen.

The followings are my codes. This is my Destination class.

    sealed class Destinations(
    val route: String
) {
    object HomeRoot : Destinations(route = "home_root_screen")
    object HomeDetail1 : Destinations(route = "home_detail1_screen")
    object HomeDetail2 : Destinations(route = "home_detail2_screen")

    object SettingRoot : Destinations(route = "setting_root_screen")
    object SettingDetail1 : Destinations(route = "setting_detail1_screen")
    object SettingDetail2 : Destinations(route = "setting_detail2_screen")

const val BOTTOM_NAV_ROUTE = "btn_nav"
const val HOME_ROUTE = "home"
const val SETTING_ROUTE = "setting"

This is my BottomBarNavGraph.

fun BottomBarNavGraph(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        navController = navController,
        startDestination = HOME_ROUTE,
        route = BOTTOM_NAV_ROUTE
    ) {

This is HomeNavGraph.

fun NavGraphBuilder.homeNavGraph(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        startDestination = Destinations.HomeRoot.route,
        route = HOME_ROUTE
    ) {
        composable(route = Destinations.HomeRoot.route) { HomeScreen(navController = navController) }
        composable(route = Destinations.HomeDetail1.route + "/{argText}") {
            val arg = it.arguments?.getString("argText") ?: "Nothing Typed"
                text = arg,
                navController = navController
        composable(route = Destinations.HomeDetail2.route) { HomeDetail2Screen(navController = navController) }

This is SettingNavGraph.

fun NavGraphBuilder.settingNavGraph(
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        startDestination = Destinations.SettingRoot.route,
        route = SETTING_ROUTE
    ) {
            route = Destinations.SettingRoot.route
        ) {
            SettingScreen(navController = navController)
            route = Destinations.SettingDetail1.route
        ) {
            SettingDetail1Screen(navController = navController)
            route = Destinations.SettingDetail2.route
        ) {
            SettingDetail2Screen(navController = navController)


This is my BottomBarDestinations.

sealed class BottomBarDestinations(
    val route: String,
    val title: String,
    val icon: ImageVector

) {
    object Home : BottomBarDestinations(
        route = HOME_ROUTE,
        title = "Home",
        icon = Icons.Default.Home

    object Setting : BottomBarDestinations(
        route = SETTING_ROUTE,
        title = "Setting",
        icon = Icons.Default.Settings

The followings are my setup of BottomBar in navHost.

fun BottomBar(navController: NavHostController) {
    val screens = listOf(
    val navBackStackEntry by navController.currentBackStackEntryAsState()
    val currentDestinations = navBackStackEntry?.destination

    BottomNavigation {
        screens.forEach {
                screen = it,
                currentDestinations = currentDestinations,
                navController = navController

fun RowScope.AddItem(
    screen: BottomBarDestinations,
    currentDestinations: NavDestination?,
    navController: NavHostController
) {
        label = {
            Text(text = screen.title)
        icon = {
                imageVector = screen.icon,
                contentDescription = "Nav Icon"
        selected = currentDestinations?.hierarchy?.any { it.route == screen.route } == true,
        unselectedContentColor = LocalContentColor.current.copy(
            alpha = ContentAlpha.disabled
        onClick = {
            navController.navigate(screen.route) {
                launchSingleTop = true
                restoreState = true

fun MainScreen(
) {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    Scaffold(bottomBar = {
        BottomBar(navController = navController)
    }) {
        BottomBarNavGraph(navController = navController)

Please help me with this. I stack with this. If you want to check the source code. You can check this in branch


Upvotes: 2

Views: 1427

Answers (1)

Андрей Утко
Андрей Утко

Reputation: 329

If you need to save state of route (Screen) or graph, you need to use following technique:

navController.navigate(screen.route) {
                    inclusive = true
                    saveState = true
                launchSingleTop = true
                restoreState = true

BTW, I can't use


I specify the start destination by myself (in your case will be "home_root_screen").

Upvotes: 1

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